Chapter #9

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Its is January 16th, 2016 today. Our first day of the tour and Mack's 21st birthday. We were all headed to the venue for soundcheck. We were starting out in Melbourne Australia. Shawn and I have gotten really close, Mom and I have also. I could only bring one person on tour and it was dad. He has always wanted to travel the world, and I just gave him his wish. 

"OK, guys. Mack is getting her makeup done and we are going to surprise her on stage. Will (one of our dancers) is going to bring the cake out and smash it in her face. 


"Alright, guys. We have a surprise for someone special." Raven said and walked towards one of the dancers. 




  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" We all sang including the fans. I did the honors and smashed the cake in her face. She was shocked but gave us all a group hug. After performing 2 more songs, we head backstage and got ready to fly to LA, California, USA. 

We all boarded the plane. We had first class, so we can have a good night rest. After an 18 hour flight, we had finally reached California. Kim said she was going to pick us up. But I have no idea where the hell she is. I tried calling her but she did not pick up. That damn bi*ch. 

I ended up calling Scott. He was the only one who picked up. 

Scott- S    Klair-K

K: Thank god someone picked up!

S: Well, hello to you too.

K: Do you know where Kim is? She is pissing me off.

S: She's at my place right now...

K: Tell her to hurry up and come to the damn airport. I'm tired of waiting.

And with that, I cut the phone. I went and sat outside the airport. The girls had already left. Leaving me all alone.

Finally, after an hour Kim decides to show up. As she parked in front if me, I gave her a glare. She gave me an apologizing look. I got in and sat quietly. 

She took me to Mom's house since I was gonna stay there till I get my own home. Kim said a quick bye, but I didn't give one back. Everything in my life was messing up. I had slammed the door and ran inside with my luggage. I knocked on the door. Immediately, mom opened the door. I shoved past her and walked into my room.  I was not in the mood to talk to anyone. I ran up the stairs and ran towards my room. I threw my suitcase on the ground causing it to make a huge noise. 

I didn't even hesitate. I jumped on my bed and went to sleep without even changing my clothes or taking my shoes off.

*Kris Jenner*

I watched as Klair ran upstairs to her room. What a nice daughter huh. Didn't even say hi or hows it going... I closed the door and went towards the kitchen where Kory sat. I haven't introduced them yet. I had decided to make Klair's favorite food since she seemed mad. I had decided on making tacos. I had called up Manuel to know the recipe. 

Just as I was about to start, I got a call from Kim. 

Kim ----Kim   Kris ---- Kr

Kim: Hey mom

Kris: Hey Kim, what happened to Klair, she seems so mad

Kim: Nothing big mom, I had just forgotten to pick her up at the airport. I was at least 2 hours late.

Kr: How can you be so dumb?? Do you know the girl didn't even say hi, she ran inside without even saying anythi-

I was interrupted by the sound of someone throwing up. 

Kr: See ya later Kim, I think Klair is sick. 

Kim didn't even get to say bye because I cut it before. I ran upstairs and opened her door. All I see is Klair throwing up in her bathroom. 

"Oh my god honey," I said running towards her. I kneeled down and rubbed her back. I took her to her bed and ran downstairs to get a cloth and some movies. 

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was just really mad at everyone for not picking up the phone. I had called everyone at least 5 times, only Scott picked it up" She said while giving me a hug.

"Don't worry boo, I understand, now go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I turned her fan on and fully closed her door. 

I know weird right, she sleeps with the fan on. 



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