Chapter #10

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*Klair Gomez*

Nothing much has happened this month. It is now Febuarary 28th. Tomorrow is Justin's birthday and he has invited us to his party. Apparently, he is bringing a special guest. Nothing has happened between Shawn and I. We did hang out a few times but basically... I got rejected. It was all in the news, magazines, and online. So basically Shawn and I went to  the carnival to with his sister Aaliyah. I basically told him straight up that I liked him.... he didn't feel the same way. We haven't been on speaking terms since then. Raven's birthday has also passed. She celebrated it with us. 

We are headed towards Justin's place right now. I just hope Shawn isn't there. 

I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that had laces on the chest, with blue jean shorts. I had on a pair of black combat boots. My hair was also in curls.

We arrived at Justin's party with Kendall, Kylie, and Tyga

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We arrived at Justin's party with Kendall, Kylie, and Tyga. I walked in and saw the rest of Dark Secret, so I walked towards them and started talking. 

A few hours later, everyone was wasted, Justin's special guest was a 17-year-old girl, Sofia. I was still 17. Cameron was also here, while everyone was getting drunk, Cameron was the only one who stayed with me the whole entire time. 


Today I was supposed to fly out to Canada for our show there. Apparently, Shawn was also gonna be there. I haven't been talking to him lately. I heard he was hanging out with Camila. Its none of my business so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. 

I was woken up super early. Like around 4:30am. Since dad was also in LA, he was going to go with me to Canada. 

I was wearing a gray Adidas hoodie with blue skinny jeans that were ripped from both knees. I had on my gray uggs to complete my outfit.

When we arrive at the airport, we go straight to the check in

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When we arrive at the airport, we go straight to the check in.  It took us a whole hour in security. Just because of one man. He wouldn't take off his damn belt. 

We waited another hour until I decided to walk around. I went up to Starbucks and ordered myself a grande Ice Coffee and for dad, I ordered a vanilla latte. As I started walking around, I saw Aaron Carpenter. 

"Hey, Aaron," I said walking towards him and giving him a hug. 

"Hey, Klair. Where you headed?" He asked while taking out his vlog camera.

"I'm headed to Canada," I said waving to the camera. We talked for a few minutes until my dad called me. I said bye to him and walked to dad with his latte.

"Sorry pappi, I saw a friend and started talking to him." I handed him his latte. Right after that, our plane was called. 

*Cameron Dallas*

"Hey Aaron," I said as he walked up to Chris, Barbosa and I.

"Hey guys, guess who I met," Aaron asked as he sat down with us. 

"Who?" I asked while drinking my milkshake. 

"Klair," He said, giving me a smirk. Damn, he knew I had a crush on her. I didn't even look up, I turned away from the guys.

"Awwww Cameron, are you upset you never go to see your girlfriend?" Chris asked in a baby voice. I just blushed. I know, me , The Cameron Alexander Dallas is blushing. 

"Awwwwww Cammy is blushing" Barbosa added while laughing. 

We were on our way to Porta Rico.


4 hours later, we are finally in Toronto! That was the worst flight I've ever been on. Crying babies. That's all I can say. Anyways, a driver came to pick us up. We got out and first went to the baggage claim. Once we collected our luggage, we walked to where the uber's were. 

"I feel so special" I said giggling. My dad just checkled back and asked why.

"Because people actually know who I am now." I said while smiling. Pappi just smilled back. 

"Hello, Ms. Klair Gomez and Mr. Manuel Gomez?" a man asked. I nodded. 

"Welcome to Toronto, Canada" He  said and took our luggage towards the car. I sat in the backseat with my dad and soon we took off to our hotel. 

The girls are supposed to fly in later on today. We made it to our hotel around 1:00. We checked in and walked to our rooms. We settled in and went to visit the CN Tower. I didn't change out of my clothes and neither did dad. 

We walked downstairs and see a bunch of fans. 




Oh my god. I was amazed, I didn't we had a lot of fans in Canada. I took pictures with all of them, and walked out. 

"See, there is nothing to worry about honey, you have fans everywhere." Pappi said, kissing my forehead. I just smiled and hugged him. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. 

*3 Hours later*

The girls have arrived at the hotel. We were getting ready for our show at the Air Canada Centre. Apparently Shawn is here with Fifth Harmony. I didn't really care. We have another show tomorrow but it's at 3 cause its a Saturday, but then we leave for Porta Rico right after. 

*Few Minutes later*

"ARE YOU READY TORONTO!?!?" I yelled out from my mic. In responce back, I got a ton of screaming. 

3,2,1 We all jump out and started singing. 

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