Chapter #14

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*Klair Gomez*

"SALUTE, SALUTE..... THANK YOU TCA'S! YOU WERE AMAZING!" I yelled. I smiled when I saw Jason come out with a surfboard.

"Girls... you have worked so hard over the past few months, you have been #3 on the billboards. You were also nominated for favorite party music." He said and gave the board to Tayjah since she was right beside him. We gave our speech and went backstage to change our outfits.

The TCA's were officially over a few minutes later. I walked towards Cameron, wanting to know if he was going to the after party.

"Hey cam, you going to the after-party?" I asked while he grabbed my hand. He shook his head. "I thought we could hang out at my apartment because we haven't seen each other for so long."

"Aww cam, let's go, my feet hurt anyways. Can we stop by my hotel to get my clothes?" I asked after giving him a kiss on his cheek. He simply nodded. I told him I had to tell the girls and walked towards the girls letting them know. After I told them, I immediately walked towards Cameron's uber.

"So Gina, are we still on for lunch tomorrow?" I asked sitting in the car between Cam and Sierra. "Yes honey, if you aren't busy." She said smiling. I gave her my number. Once we got to my apartment, I saw that papi was face timing Elle.

"Hey papi, I'm going to stay over at Cameron's and I'm going to lunch with his mom and sister tomorrow," I said after waving to Elle from the back.

He looked back towards me and nodded. I walked to my suitcase and picked out my outfit for tonight, which consisted of a light pink Calvin Klein sweater, gray tights and matching Adidas shoes. I grabbed my MacBook and my phone and put it in my Michael Kors purse.

I said a quick goodbye and ran downstairs to where the uber was standing

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I said a quick goodbye and ran downstairs to where the uber was standing. As I got to the lobby, I saw around 50 fans crowding the door. My eyes widened.

"Cam, how am I supposed to come out? The fans are blocking the entrance?" I called cam.

"I'm sending someone in. Don't worry" With that, he cut the phone. After 2 min of waiting, a huge guy came from the back door. "Hey Klair, let's get you to Cameron." I nodded and started making my way towards the door. As I got outside, all the fans started pushing and shoving each other which cause me to trip a couple of times but not fall. A minute later, I finally got shoved into the car. I could feel my arm bleeding.

"Sweet, your arm is bleeding" Cameron pointed it out. I nodded. Just wishing to get to his apartment and cuddling with him. I laid my head on his shoulder and went through my phone. I opened up the group chat that Lukas, Trevor, and Sam. Laughing at what Sam said to Trevor.

"Hey princess we're here." I grabbed his hand and we walked inside to his lobby.

"Alright Cam and Klair, we will meet for lunch tomorrow at 12. Where do you guys wanna eat?" Gina asked us. "There is this cool Italian place around 15min from here, by walking" Cam replied. "Why don't you guys just meet us here, we can just walk there, it's going to be great weather tomorrow," I asked, Gina and Sierra, nodded and walked back to go to their home while Cam and I walk towards the elevator.

*5 hours later*

Cam and I have been cuddling since we came back. It's now 10 and we've watched about 3 movies. We were still lying down but I was on my phone. We were sort of in a spooning position. MY back was to his front. I had decided on Facetiming Elle. I guess she was busy because she didn't pick up. I guess I could always sleep.

I turned and faced Cam. I started tracing his face with my finger and stopped when I got to his lips. "Goodnight sweet," I said giving him a kiss. He replied back saying the same thing and kissing my forehead.

We had such a long day, we fell asleep right away.

*The next day*

"Bub, wake up, it's 11:15 am. We have to meet mom soon." Cameron kissed my shoulder and pulled me closer. I got up and gave him a bear hug, knowing this was the only time to hang out before I leave for Canada. I got and went to his shower. We agreed that he would make us breakfast.

I got in the shower and washed/shaved everywhere that I needed to. After my 15 minute shower, I picked out a black dress. It had white flowers on the skirt and the top was flowy. I also had decided on wearing a white cardigan over it. I had blow dried my hair and lightly curled them.

Once I got out, I saw Cam was still making breakfast

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Once I got out, I saw Cam was still making breakfast. He had no short on. So I decided on hugging him from the back.

"Is breakfast almost done?" I asked. I was very hungry. He nodded and gave me a plate. It had bacon, eggs, and pancakes. "Thanks, bub" gave him a kiss on the cheek. We both sat down on the dining table and continued to eat.

"Bub, it's time to meet them in the lobby, Sierra texted me." Cam grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. We walked hand in hand to the elevator. A minute later, we saw Gina and Sierra outside with another guy.

"Good afternoon guys" I smiled and shook hands with the guy. "Hi, I'm Klair," I said smiling. He nodded. "I'm Brent, Sierra's boyfriend" He smiled. We all started walking towards the Italian restaurant.

As Gina, Brent and Sierra were walking behind us, Cam and I were in the front. "What are you doing for dinner today?" Cam asked while tightening his grip on my hand. "Oh yeah... I forgot to ask you. Mom wanted you to come over for dinner. She says she wants to meet you personally." I said looking at him grinning. He nodded. A couple of minutes later we sat down and started to order. We sat and ate for an hour before Cam and I decided to head back to his apartment to get my clothes then head to my hotel, where dad wanted to see me..

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