22. Father

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3rd P.O.V.

A large grin made it's way on Sachiko's mouth as everyone gave the young girl a confused look. "I finally found you Otou-san, dattejane!" The said man gave his daughter a menacing glare.

"Don't call me that, you monster!" He shouted back making Sachiko lose her smile and tears prick her eyes. "You killed her..." He trailed off. Kirito took out a few kunai and shuriken, then threw it at the man who blocked with a kunai of his own. "Tch. You're no match for me." Sachiko's father made the essental hand signs. "Fire Style: Flame Fist!" Flames engulfed the man's fists, flashing behind Kirito and punching him in the face. Making two shadow clones the man's clones created a lightning barrier around Kirito, trapping him.

"All of you run!" Kirito pleaded to his students and client. Clenching her fist Sachiko made hand signs and paused at the last one, glaring at her father.

"Father or not. Anyone who dares hurts my friends... will have to go though me, dattejane! Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Three miniture versions of Sachiko shadow clones appeared behind Sachiko glaring at the man. A pregnant silence surrounded the area.

"HOW THE HECK IT SUPPOSED TO HELP US?! YA BAKA!!" Kirito shouted at his student while everyone else deadpanned, watching the scene infront of them. "YOU ACTUALLY WERE GAINING MY RESPECT, BEFORE YOU RUINED IT!!"

"LIKE YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING!! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S TRAPPED, DATTEJANE!!" Sachiko shouted back at her sensei before turning towards her father with a kind smile. "By the Otou-san did you have a nice trip, dattejane?" She asked confusing the man. "Riku, Nagisa now!" The brunette and blonde knew exactly what to do as the boy's threw a kunai each hitting two trees the where on opposite sides to the man. Two large logs swung towards each other aiming towards the man. Before the squished Sachiko's father he quickly ducked down missing them. Four 'poofs' were heard. Two from the 'logs' and two where the clones that kept Kirito captive were located.

"What the?!" The man gasped before he was punched in the face by two mini Sachiko's.

"Did ya forget about us, dattejane?" They asked in their high pitched voice smirking at the man as they stood with their arms across their chests on both sides of the original Sachiko's figure. Everyone excluding Sachiko herself had one thought in their mind. 'She's full of suprises!'

"Not too bad Sachiko." Kirito praised his student as he walked over towards the man with a deadly aura. "You. First, you put one of my students in a genjutsu. Second, you threated us and hurt one of my students. Third, you punch me in the face and trapped me. And fourth..." Kirito glared at the man that made him shiver in fear. "You dare raise a kunai at your own daughter." A loud scream was heard as birds flew away.


"Well I guess this is it." Kirito smiled sweetly towards Himiko who returned the favour. "And don't worry about him, we'll be dragging him back to Konoha with us." Kirito pointed his thumb behind his back showing the man knocked out with a lot of bumps and brusies and was tied up with a rope.

"Arigatou, Kirito and team 9." Himiko bowed before straightening her posture a receving a hug from her neice.

"Promise you'll come and visit untie Himiko?" Sachiko asked with puppy dog eyes. Pinching the toung greenettes cheeks Himiko promised her neice and told her to go easy on her father. Himiko gave Sachiko a kiss on her forehead before giving her one last squeeze. "I'll miss you, dattejane."

"I'll miss you more, Sachi-chan." Himiko let go of Sachiko so she could join her team. "Kirito!" She shouted at the man holding another man on his shoulder, walking away making him and his team pause. "Both you and Subaru better be looking after my neice and the kids or else next time I visit you're as good as dead!" She warned the men before waving them a goodbye.


Sachiko's P.O.V.

"Sachiko how did ya let me escape?" Kirito-sensei asked me as I smirked back at him. Heheh, who's the baka now?

"That's because I'm the amazing Sachiko, Kirito-sensei!" I laughed all high and mighty like the girl I am.

"We're being serious Sachiko-chan." Riku added.

"Yeah, it's practically a once in a lifetime for you to be smart." Nagaysa mocked me, I closed my eyes and poked my tounge out at him as he did the same. Kirito-sensei scolded us for being to childish and asked me once again to explain my master plan.

"Well when I created my mini-me's they where only the distraction while I made two more that tied them selves up and turned themselves into logs. And when everyone was busy watching Kirito-sensei and I argue my mini-me's jumped on top of the logs and waited for the signal. After that they jumped just before the transformed me's smashed into each other and punched otou-san's clones, realeasing the barrier." I explained smiling while my team jaw's dropped.

"I never thought you would ever think of that, since you act like you don't have brain in the first place." Nagaysa insulted me, I shot back at him. We kept on fighting back and forth all the way home. My first C-rank mission completed.

(Chunnin exams are coming up! So let the voting begin for who Sachiko will end up with! So comment your votes! Voting is closed.)

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