CHAPTER I: New Friend(s)?

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<<Third Person's POV>>

Minato rushed out of the house this morning, having missed her alarm and didn't want to be late on the day she got put on her Gênin team. She was hoping for one or two of the people that spoke to her at all in class. She didn't know why but most of the students and teacher feared her, it didn't bother her much anymore but it was always like that and made making friends even harder. Probably the only other person to be treated the same way was a boy she sat next to in class. He was very antisocial and cold to anyone that tried to talk to him.

Finally arriving at the school she rushed up the stairs and into the room before the teacher showed up. Sitting in her usual seat by the only red head, she focused completely on his explanations of the division of teams. Gaara, the Kazekage's son was the only one with a team pre-assigned. It would be him and his two older siblings Temari and Kankurō. "In addition to the Sand Sibling's team I'm putting Minato Namikaze, having an odd amount this year we will make do with this." She blinked in surprise at the selection, thinking it would have been with Cama and Fume, she was a little depresses but after a moment pushed past it and accepted her new team.

Turning to Gaara she did something he never expected, and stuck her hand out and gave him a soft welcoming smile, "I hope we work well together from now on." As she had expected he ignored her gesture and smile, and turned away from her. Sighing she only pushed the thought of rejection aside as him not being used to her, and planned to her him to talk to her like a normal person. "Now that the teams are all assigned you may meet up with your teachers, Gaara's team," the team mentioned stopped "your sensei said to wait here." Minato was the only one standing and sat back down.

With her fingers laced together she tapped her thumbs on the table impatiently, unbeknownst to her irritated the red-head. So much so that he snapped his hand out and pressed her hands flat against the table to make her stop. Smiling she looked at him. "If I do something that bothers you next time tell me." He didn't respond and only pulled back his hand to cross his arms over his chest again. Before any of them could strike up a conversation their teacher showed up in a puff of smoke and sand.

Arms crossed and expressionless he told them to train for the next week before he had them do something important. What Minato had no idea. Following her team they "led" her to their training field and paired off. Temari instantly latched onto Minato, saying girls should stick together. She was fine with that and followed her to a little spot away from the older girl's brothers. Standing at least ten paces away Temari drew her fan and got into a fighting stance. What Temari didn't know was that while in the academy Minato was given the moniker 'The Yellow Flash.' Somehow to her she knew that the name sounded familiar like she had headed it before but could never remember where and always brushed it off.

"You ready Nato-Chan?" Temari asked already giving Minato a nickname which warmed the blonde girl's heart. She nodded and crouched like she was about to sprint a marathon race. Temari looked at her funny but then shook it off returning to her stance. With a silent command of start, Minato took off, blasting straight for Temari, at the last second she shot right and ran circles around Temari. She was so fast that all was noticeable was her long blonde hair which only looked like a flash of yellow with the way she moved.

Stopping in her take off spot, she stared at Temari. The sandy blonde looked at the short busty blonde and smirked like she had won, but Minato's smirk confused Temari. "What are you smiling about?" Temari asked not realizing that she was looking at the after image of Minato because she had already teleported to a spot behind Temari. The two boys to distracted by the new member of their team to train with each other noticed Minato's trick and warned their sister but it was too late and by the time it was over Temari had bruises and little cuts. Minato now finished her opening trick smiled "you are very strong Temari, most of the people I've gone up against are unconscious when I finish." Temari looked up at the blonde her brow raised in disbelief. "Seriously, you think I'm strong for surviving that?" The blonde unsure on how to answer nodded. Temari scoffed, "well we need to keep going I want to be able to dodge you perfectly." Minato smiled and nodded and they went at it again.

Standing at the ready, she was about to start when Kankurō wanted to join and perfect his reaction time. But Gaara sat it out his thoughts on the session were that they were a waste of time. And walked off.

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