CHAPTER III: Written Exam?

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<<Minato's POV>>

The next morning when we arrived at the academy we went up the first two floors. I had noticed the Genjutsu on the room and the two Chûnins let up in. Sitting in the class near the front, I got bored quick and to entertain myself I twirled a kunai in my hands doing it so well that I was even able to balance the point on the tip of my finger. Looking around I took in the competition nothing stood out with most of the teams but there were three or four of them that stood out at odd.

A team of grass ninjas gave off a deeply villainous aura. A team of sound ninjas looked too cocky for there own good. The guy with spiky hair and side plates on his face had been staring at me since we walked in, I just ignored him and looked to the next member of his team. He much like his teammate was looking at us. He was sizing I could tell by the way his eyes examined us.

The girl, was touching her hair and looking at me, like she was jealous of it. Smirking I turned away and let my hair swish down my back. I was putting away my knife just as Sasuke's team came in. His eyes scanned the room and they landed on Gaara and I. His eye contact was broken by a girl with pale blonde hair. As more rookies joined the little groups the more the rest of the teams wanted to murder then because of the loudness. A leaf boy with glasses had the brains to tell them to calm down and look around them.

Angry rain nins glared and it was funny, turning to the others I smiled, "I'll be right back." Gaara didn't say anything but his eyes looked annoyed I even thought of talking to them while Temari looked a little jealous I would be able to talk to someone she might have a crush on, Kankuro looked like the over-protective brother. Sashaying over to the rookies, I stopped a few feet away from them. "Hey, could you squirts clam it, your very irritating." I said coolly.

"What makes you so special that allows you to tell us to shut up?!" The blonde clinging to Sasuke said. "I never said I was special, but if you want to talk skill  for who is of more superior, then I will battle you...unless you and your fake blonde hair are afraid of losing." I know the blonde insult wasn't a very good choice but this chick was getting on my nerves. Just before she could squeal at me in rage, Sasuke and a boy with pineapple hair held her back while I walked away, sensing the arrival of the teacher. "Quiet down you worthless bastards!!!" Someone shouted from the smoke at the front of the class.

"Thanks for waiting, I'm Morino Ibiki, the examiner for the Chûnin selection exams first test." Many of the students gulped in fear I just looked around calmly and curiously. "We will now start the first Chûnin exam. Instead of your current seating arrangements you will pick one of these tabs and be assigned a seat, we will then hand out the exams." I shrugged this wasn't going to be much of a challenge.

Going to the front I took a tab and it 15. Finding my seat it was next to Sasuke. Who either had 16 or 14. I didn't really care. Sitting I crossed my legs and twirled my hair which was curled in a low half up half down ponytail. Ignoring all that was going on I only turned my attention back on when a piece of paper was put in front of me. When it was down I plugged in my music and got to writing finished within the first ten minutes I leaned back and listened to my music.

My eye were closed and my music was loud enough for the two people beside me. Someone tapping my shoulder drew me from my blank thoughts "number 15, caught cheating five times." Looking at the proctor that accused me, I smiled, concentrating my chakra into my hand a whirlwind of power the size of a marble rose flicking it at him it zoomed by his head and left a crater in the wall behind him. "You were saying?" I taunted. He shook his head and I continued to listen to my music, the shadow of someone flying over me drew me from my thoughts. "You guys!!! This is no time to be celebrating!!! I'm the examiner for the second test!! Mitarashi Anko!!! Now let's go!!! Follow me!!!" She didn't have a clue as to how earlier she was and that she just cut off the first examiner's start of his explanation of the second test.

He said something to her from behind the banner and she blushed, turning to us she seemed to count then looked back at the bandana guy. Sighing in annoyance she must have heard because after she finished she turned to me. "Do I bore you blondie?" I shrugged, "no, more annoyed than anything else." With a quick flick of her wrist she threw a kunai at me, I caught it effortlessly and began to twirl and flick it about my hands before snapping it back to her and cutting the tie she had in her hair and the banner behind her. Two rows in front Gaara looked at me and shook his head slightly. I sucked me teeth and crossed my arms.


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