CHAPTER VIII: Sasuke vs Gaara.

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Third Person's point of view.

Minato stood in apart from the others. Not because she wanted to but because they were afraid. Afraid she would kill them because as she watched Gaara an Sasuke stare at one another she enjoyed ever second. They're terrified stares and the bloodlust aura. "I have never seen Nato like this before." Kankurō whispered to his sister. Temari nodded, she was just as sacred of Minato as she was scared of Gaara, maybe even more so. Shino couldn't believe his eyes, a girl with incredible power, who looked exactly like Naruto stood not ten feet from him grinning and smirking as her eyes changed from cerulean blue to ruby red the more she watched the battle. Naruto and Shikamaru had already run off to warn Kakashi about the danger Sasuke would be facing if he battled Gaara, but Kakashi didn't cared because he knew his student would have no problem with his opponent. He was pleasantly surprised when his student showed up for training already fast enough for the jutsu he wanted to teach him, it cut down on things to learn and it gave to two more time to practice his own created jutsu.

Sasuke, stood outside of the sand ball that Gaara had shielded himself in, his arm, knuckles, knee and cheek bleeding as the sphere had a defence mechanism. "Fine if you won't come out, this gives me time to do my jutsu." Sasuke said before back flipping an jumping up the arena wall and stopping at a crouch near the top, performing the hand signs: Ox–Hare–Monkey. And in his palm the chirping started, running at top speed down the wall he was closing in on the sand sphere quick and even with the spikes that protruded as Sasuke got too close he dodged as if he had all the time in the world, thanks to his Sharingan. Now with his hand plunged elbow deep into the sand shield he waited.

Gaara stood shocked that anything could get through, let alone hurt him. Warm drops of something fell to his hand and he looked down at it confused, "what is this? It's warm..." When he lifted his hand to see what it was, in the dark of his sand cocoon he realized it was blood. "It's blood! It's my blood!!!" He screeched, Minato, in her bloodlust, could smell the blood of the one she claimed and was ready to pounce and rip apart the one who had hurt him but she was held back bigger arms than Gaara's wrapped around her and the hands locked around their forearms and she was trapped still struggling she kicked and grunted not wanting to bring attention to herself and her captor she used her legs to swing and throw the person into the room. When she looked back to the arena the Uchiha had leapt back a few feet while Gaara stood hunched and wobbly, leaping into the arena se caught him from his good side just as the Sand and Sound nin started their attack, Baki-sensei had arrived and told her to run, that Gaara was in no condition fight so she nodded and used her flash step to escape Kankurō and Temari hot on their tail as protection while Minato protected Gaara.

"We're being followed! Temari!" Minato said, the older girl nodded. And stayed behind to fight their peruser. A few miles away, Gaara started to come to, "stop." Minato landed on a wide and strong tree branch with Kankurō right beside her, "are you okay, Gaara?" Kankurō asked reaching for his little brother but quickly retracted his hand when Minato growled at him. "Minato! Kankurō I'm sorry I couldn't hold him for long!" Temari said showing up a few seconds after a now acknowledged Sasuke. "Temari, Kankurō get Gaara out of here I'll deal with him." Minato said drawing two short swords from the seals on her arms, but was blocked by Kankurō, "no I got this you go." Trusting the older boy she followed behind Temari as she carried Gaara. Minato kept her blades drawn as she leapt behind the pair ahead of her.

Unbeknownst to the trio their teammate was met with a new challenger and their peruser was back on the chase.

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