CHAPTER IX: Kyuubi and Minato.

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Third Person's Point of View.

Kankurō missing, and Temari thrown into the trees, left Minato guarded by Gaara under him as he crouched over her, his whole left side formed into the face, arm, leg and tail of Shukaku. While he roared at Sasuke Uchiha to keep his distance from Minato. Sasuke wanted the girl to move so he could finish his battle with Gaara, but she knew that if she did one of them would die, her just being there under the red head was keeping both of them safe. And she would do it until they both ran out of Chakra. But suddenly the both shot off and chased each other fighting.

Still laying in the spot she was in when Gaara protected her she didn't know what to do, the two guys had taken off to fight and her mind blanked for once, this if the first time she has had no idea what to do. "Child, I will tell you what to do." Kurama said, closing her eyes she looked into her mind and to the open cage of the Yin power of the Nine Tailed Fox. Her first friend. His dark orange-red fur was perfectly groomed and looked like kittens fur. "Help me, I want him to stop." Minato begged her friend. "Okay, Kit. I'll help you. Ready?" Kurama asked, and Minato nodded reaching her hands out to the large fox.


Minato now out of her mind and powered by the Nine-tailed fox, she ran to where She could see Gaara waist deep in Shukaku's head, and her blond-male look alike, fought on a giant toad, leaping on the toads back from the closest tree she could find she zipped around getting as much speed as she could to help her launch to Gaara. At the top of the amphibian's head she push off ignoring the shouts of anger(Gamabunta) and surprise(Naruto), and launched herself with open arms to Gaara, "GAARA!!" She shouted, her long blond hair loose and billowing out behind her as the red Chakra of the Kyuubi pushed her the extra space to reach the Tanuki host. Naruto stood in awe of this girl and shock at the complete similarities between the two of them. Her uncontrollable need to protect her precious someone and the ability to control the powerful beast inside her.

Naruto found himself envious of this girl, she was him only better and it gave him feelings of anger and jealousy, much like he felt when Sasuke did something so small and effortlessly and got all the praise and attention, while Naruto worked, and worked and it came out weak and feeble. Minato finally reached Gaara, her arms around his neck as she sobbed and cried into his shoulder, his eyes popped open and everything vanished, Shukaku cursed as he returned back into Gaara, while Gamabunta gave his goodbyes and vanished in a puff of smoke under Naruto causing the blond to scream as he free fell. Minato not as cruel as most think caught Naruto in one of her controlled nine-tails, while holding Gaara in her arms and wrapping themselves in two tails while her 6 latched to trees and lowered them carefully. On the ground she lay on Gaara's chest exhausted while he watched her sleep, he smiled softly at her, "you have someone special. Someone who cares for you, and probably loves you, there is no more need to fight for just yourself, because she will love you and I will always be your friend." Naruto said as he crawled to get closer to Gaara and Minato, Temari and Kankurō watched amazed as these two blonds changed their red-headed brother in a matter of two days.

Kankurō, bent and scooped up Minato while Temari looped Gaara's arm over her shoulders. As the four were going to leave Sasuke and his teacher showed up to get Naruto. "Thank you Naruto, you have shown me a different path one without hate and cruel bloodlust." Lifting his hand, he let his fingers caress Minato's cheek. Nodding to Naruto, Kankurō and Temari took that as their cue to leave.

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