CHAPTER XIV: Proposals.

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Gaara's Point of View.

I was sitting in my office it has been four months since I was attacked. As per suggestion from the Hokage of Konoha I had several protection details put on Minato. I know she hated it but I didn't want her going through what I did. "Lord Kazekage!" Looking to the door a Jônin stood there panting. I frowned, "where did she go?" I said already knowing she ditched her protection detail. He gulped in air and spoke "that's the thing...we don't know?" Sighing I rubbed my temples. "Find my sister and have her fill in for me here, I'll find Minato." He nodded and took off, getting up I went to the one place I knew she would go.


Standing in the back yard of the house she grew up in she stood looking down at a headstone with two names on it. Chikano Fukuhana and Haruto Fukuhana. The woman and her husband that raised Minato since she was a baby. They had died in the attack of Suna by the two Akatsuki members. One of the bombs that had landed had hit them when they were on their nightly stroll. She blames herself for not being able to protect them. Kneeling in front of the head stone she set a bouquet of snapdragon flowers, they were pale green in the stems and covered in the blush pink flowers.

"They loved these flowers, and because of the hot weather here it was impossible to grow any, so I figured I would take the quick trip into the nearby forest to get some...sorry I caused a fuss." Kneeling behind her I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned back into me. "Just promise you won't do that again." I said leaning my face into her neck. She nodded her cheek pressed to my head as she leaned into me more. Standing up she turned in my arms and leaned her head on my chest, sighing she held onto me softly. So calm and relaxed, resting my forehead on her head, I could sense her smile, meeting her eyes, I lifted her chin up higher, so I could kiss her. Soft and warm, I couldn't help but melt into her, she had this hold on me that I would never in a million years want to lose.

Just the feel of her fingers sent chills up and down my spine. Her lips warmed me up even on the coolest of nights. Her soft embrace was the most loving I had ever felt. Pulling back she panted trying to catch her breath while I got lose in her ocean deep blue eyes. "Marry me." I said, lost in the moment but completely at peace with my words. When she answered I knew I had caught her off guard. It hurt that she didn't answer right away but I wanted her to have sometime to think about it. "Think about it." I told her as her eyes unfocused as her thoughts took all of her attention. She nodded and went inside, closing the door she smiled softly to me I waited till the lock clicked before leaving and relieving Temari of my paper work.

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