17: Team name

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Today after school is when the tournament will start, but first we talk to Principle Mew and Vice-principal Mewtwo. I always hated talking to Vice-principal Mewtwo, because he scares men well he mostly scares everyone except for Mew. I guess they had some history together we don't know about.
"Umm Lucario?" Said Zoroark
"Yes?" I answered
"Why is Mismagius staring at me?" She asked.
I turned around and saw Mismagius staring at Zoroark.
"Um Mismagius?" I said
"Yes?" She answered
"Why are you staring at Zoroark?" I asked.
"It's impossible for a Zoroark to learn Brick Break, but you learn it somehow. I need to run testes and don't worry it won't hurt ......much heheheh." She said with a evil grin. Some times Mismagius worries me with her personality.
"How about? NO!!" Said Zoroark
"Aww no your fun I just wanted to learn how did you learned Brick Break." Said the disappointed Mismagius. When that discussion was over. I saw Monferno on the upper right corner of the room above the door hiding from Gurdurr who burst in like a Tauros that is pissed.
"Where's my darling Monferno?" Asked Gurdurr. I feel Monferno's fear of her.
"He's out on the field." I lied to save Monferno's skin and bones. Gurdurr ran off like she was using Quick Attack.

"Thanks man I owe you one" said Monferno as he came down.
"No problem, but we need to go to Principle Mew and Vice-principal Mewtwo to sign up for the tournament." I said
"Ok." He said.
In math class was great it could help us in the tournament. How much damage it would do if you use a super effective move. Then in British Language we had choose Strongly Agree, Agree or Strongly Disagree, Disagree. Let's say there was alot shouting and arguments it felt like I was in the Ace Attorney game it was, but everyone walked out pissed as hell. Finally, the bell rings Zoroark, Monferno, Pikachu, Garchomp, Zangoose and I walked to the Principle's office.
"Hiya guys." Said the cheerful Mew
"Hey Ms. Mew." I greeted.
"Monferno when are you going to prank again?" She asked. Mewtwo let out sigh and Pikachu gave Monferno the side glare. Probably telling him that he can't prank at anymore.

"We can't do anymore pranks anymore Ms. Mew." He said
"Awwww no more pranking hmph." As she pouted
"Anyway you children want to join the tournament?" Asked Mewtwo
"Yes sir." I responded.
"Ok. Who is the leader of your team?" He asked. I forgot that we need a leader.
"Lucario of course." Said Zoroark
"Why me?" I asked.
"Because your the one who put this team together, so you should lead it."
"Shes right dude." Said Monferno. Everyone nods in agreement. I was shocked to be picked as the leader.
"Well what's your team name?" Asked Mewtwo.
"Umm." I looked at my group trying to think up of a team name

(I want you the reader to think up a name for the team. Leave a comment or message me)

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