Chapter 7

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~Third P.OV~

Juuzou whines loudly, kicking his feet around in boredom. It's been a week since (Y/n)'s sudden burst at him and since she's been in of her room except for going to the bathroom.

"Shinohara!" Juuzou whines. "When is (Y/n) going to come out and play? She's been in her room for so long!"

"Juuzou, (Y/n) is going through a rough time right now" Shinohara sighs sitting down with a cup of coffee.

"What happened?" He asks tilting his head a bit and pulling on his stitched lip.

"(Y/n)'s father died" Shinohara starts. "Last week from a ghoul attack and she's not taking it so well so please be respectful of that."

Juuzou blinks and let's that sink in. He couldn't find it in himself to have sympathy or pity. Before all of this, people died all the way mostly by his doings so why should he care now? But for some reason he wants to have a reason to care, he just can't. He lays his head on the cool wooden table still kicking his feet in a childish manner. To be honest he didn't want (Y/n) to be stuck there all day, who was he going to play with?

"Well I'm going" Shinohara says walking towards the door. "Behave okay?"

Juuzou nods giving him a sweet smile and a goodbye. He watches the man leave and silence walks in. Juuzou looks around thinking of what to do. What should he do? The said male stands up and walks to (Y/n)'s door. He could see little light seeking out of under the door. Juuzou knocks on her door and plays with his stitches. Nothing.

"(Y/n)!" He calls out. "Let's play!"

Nothing. Juuzou slowly becomes irritated on being ignored. So rude. He knocks again but more harder. How rude it is for her to be ignoring him. Juuzou continues the knocking, his crimson eyes fixed on the white door. His knuckles start to hurt but he can care less.

Suddenly the door swings open and Juuzou stops, his hand still in the air. His eyes land on the (h/c) haired girl, her eyes puffy and red from crying and her hair a mess as if she'd never gotten out of bed. Her attire is leggings and a big T-shirt. Juuzou blinks and his eyes flicker to the plates of food on the floor. He quickly recognizes it to be the food Shinohara has given her throughout the week but it's untouched.

"(Y/n)!" Juuzou says smiling a bit. For some reason, this didn't seem like a good idea anymore to him. "Let's play."

(Y/n) glares at the white haired boy smiling at her. She just wants to left alone and wants to get back at the comfort of her bed and pillows.

"Go away" She mutters, her voice hoarse from the sobbing earlier.

"You've been in there for a whole week" Juuzou says. "And I'm bored so let's play."

(Y/n) looks at him with one eyebrow cocked. Why doesn't he get that she isn't in a good place right now? Meanwhile Juuzou leans on the doorway with his eyes fixed on her holding no sympathy or pity for the girl.

"No" (Y/n) says. "I don't want to play!"

Juuzou's eyes slightly glare. His eyebrows knit in frustration. He's had it with the emotion from (Y/n). So what her old man died? People die all the time. Might as well move on from it.

"So what that old coot died?" Juuzou starts, "he was bound to die any day, with his obsession of quinques it's not a surprise how he died-"

He's quickly cut off by a hard slap to the face. His head turns from the sudden hard contact. Juuzou's eyes widen and sees (Y/n) glaring daggers.

"Don't you dare say that!" She yells furiously. "Don't you dare say such things about my dad!"

(Y/n) knew about her dad's crazy obsession about ghouls and his determination to kill them all. She never stopped hearing about them even in school but she didn't care. He took her in and raised her like his own and protected her. He loved her, made her feel happy anytime he could. Took her out on her birthdays despite the weird looks from people. Gave (Y/n) everything she needed and wanted.

"You don't know him!" She yells. "You never felt the pain of someone's loss, hell you never feel pain at all!"

Now that's where she's wrong. Juuzou's eyes turn dull at that. Okay maybe he didn't know Mado well and rarely he felt the pain of someone's loss but he's felt true pain. Excruciating, indescribable and inhumane pain. Pain that he did not deserve and which should never be done on anyone or anything. But that didn't stop her, her face turns red from her anger at him.

"You're unstable! A monster!" She yells. "You're worse than any other ghoul!"

(Y/n) looks at Juuzou's blank face in confusion. Juuzou nods at that and takes his leave. Guilt sits on (Y/n)'s stomach telling her what she said was beyond rude. Why did she say that when none of that was true?

"Juuzou..." (Y/n) calls out. Juuzou stops and turns to look at her.

"You're right" He says. "I'm worse than a ghoul."

He keeps walking and he bites his lip. Every word she yelled plays over and over in his mind, hurting him even more. But maybe she was just telling the truth.

"Juuzou please-" (Y/n) stammers, her emotions out of control. "I...I'm sorry I-"

He frowns at that. Apologizing when he knows it's his fault for provoking her in a bad time. He hears her footsteps and feels her arms hug him from behind.

"I didn't mean those things...I'm sorry" Her voice muffled by Juuzou's shirt. "I just can't cope with his death..."

Juuzou stands there looking for a way he can sympathize her or pity her the least. But it's hard for him. He just turns around and hugs her back knowing that most people do that to comfort others. (Y/n) cries into his shirt apologizing for wetting it. Juuzou shushes her by stroking her hair. He leads (Y/n) back to her room and they both lay down still holding on to each other.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

My chest tightens as I choke down the sobs. Juuzou keeps his cold arms around me.

"I'm sorry..." I hear him say. I bite my lip and hug him a bit tighter. He draws imaginary circles on my back. I want to tell him how sorry I am. I don't know his story but I can see the scars on his body and it does not look self inflicted. It looks inhumane.

I haven't slept throughout the whole week and it's driving me crazy but now I feel the sleepiness hit me like a truck. I hear Juuzou's heart beat which soon makes me knock out like a light. Despite his cold touch, it brings a warm feeling to my stomach and chest.


So wowza what a chapter. So I tried doing third P.O.V because I'm not really good with that perspective. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and there will be more interesting + fight chapters so stay tuned my wonderful amazing reader-chans.


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