Chapter 8

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

"Are you sure you're okay to go?" Shinohara asks again as he drives me to Dad's funeral.

"I'm managing" I say softly. I grip my black dress tightly. Juuzou stays quiet and fiddles with his black button up shirt.

"Juuzou don't unbutton your shirt" Shinohara says.

"But I feel like I'm being choked!" He whines. "Wearing dress pants and dress shoes are a pain!"

"I know but you need to have respect" Shinohara says softly. He never yells at Juuzou only lightly scolds him. It's cute. Juuzou huffs and lays back on his seat.


"Would you like to say some words?" Akira asks me handing me another tissue. I shake my head. I can't anything, the only that comes out of my mouth are sobs. Akira rubs my back and goes up to the stand delivering a message in which I tune out. I stare at the black polished casket with tulips on it. we're never going to have that feast together. I'm never going to spend another birthday with you and we're never going to eat all together.

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and I look to find out it's Juuzou. His eyes stare at the coffin. I look into his crimson which hold no sadness or sympathy. It evokes anger in me but this isn't the time. It never will be because I'll say something I'll regret and maybe next time, Juuzou won't forgive me. I lean into him and he hugs me. My chest stutters as the sobs come out.


"Thank you everyone for coming" Akira says. I stay by her side and she keeps her hand interlocked with mine.

"I'm very sorry...he was a great partner" Amon says looking down. I look away and gulp down the lump in my throat. Akira squeezes my hand and I lightly squeeze it back. Everyone leaves, leaving me and Akira alone.

"I'm going to have to fill in father's position" Akira says. "And be Amon's partner."

"Fight ghouls?" I look at her. I sound like a child.

"Yeah" Akira says rubbing my back. "I won't get to see you that much or pick up the phone as often."

"But we'll still try to meet up right?" I look a her but her gaze stays on the tombstone.

"Of course" She says, a faint smile on her lips. I think for a while and I clear my throat.

"Why don't I work with you at the office?" I ask.

"No!" Akira blurts out. "No I'm not letting you do that, I'm going to protect you and you're going to be safe and...and"

"And what about you?" My voice quivers. "And what about you?! I don't want you to end up like him!"

I point at the tombstone and sob before saying. "I don't want you to leave me like he did."

"I have no choice...I've already said yes and...and someone has to take his place."

"I can help! We can protect each other-"

"I said no! No is no" Akira says firmly. I hold my tongue and inhale sharply. Shinohara and Juuzou are waiting.

"Okay...okay fine" I say wiping my tears. "Call me whenever you can okay?"

"Okay" She says and we share goodbyes and a hug before I head to the car. Juuzou took the passenger seat. Damn him. I go in the back.

"Um Shinohara? Can you drop me off at Anteiku?" I ask.

"Yeah sure" He answers. I know he has questions but I'm glad he didn't ask any. Juuzou hums lightly and swings his feet a little.


"I'll walk it home, thank you" I say getting out.

"Okay but if anything happens, you have our cell" Shinohara says. I nod and enter the shop. Some people stare since I dressed all black.

"(Y/n)! Where have you been?!" Touka says rushing over to me. "You missed school and ignored all of our phone calls! Kaneki is here and Hide is coming."

"Sorry um I'll sit down" I say and sit on a booth.

"The usual?" She asks. I nod and she goes. Kaneki comes over and sits down in front of me.

"Hey (Y/n) what fancy place did you go to?" He asks.

"I...went to a funeral" I say hesitantly. He frowns at that.

"I'm...I'm sorry" He says quickly. "Whose funeral was it?"

Touka comes and places down my order and comes in next to me.

"You went to a funeral?" She asks. "Whose funeral?"

Kaneki sighs and I look at both of them.

"My dad's...Kureo Mado" I mutter. Touka chokes on air and Kaneki slams his leg on the table. I look at them in shock.

"Are both of you okay?" I ask.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay" Kaneki says. Touka keeps her gaze at me.

"K-Kureo Mado that was your dad?" She asks.

"Yeah after that ghoul attack on my real parents, he took me in" I say. They both exchange glances and I blink. Am I not being told something?

"Tragic..." Touka stutters. I feel left out. I feel like they're not telling me something. A secret involving my dad. I lose my appetite. I slam money on the table.

"You know what?" I stand up and Touka stands up as well. "I've lost my appetite."


"Give it to Hide" I say and quickly rush out of Anteiku. It's time I get out of this black dress anyways.


I walk home in the dark and I hear footsteps. I should've came armed. I keep walking but in a faster pace. So do the footsteps. I start running. I can't even run in flats. The footsteps come closer and I'm tackled down. My head hits the pavement hard and I gasp at the pain.

"No no no, you're not running away so easy" A ghoul. A female one too. "You look so...delicious."

"Oh you flatter me" I squirm under her grasp. "You know if you weren't trying to eat me, we could go out some time."

"I'll be eating you instead" She snickers dragging one long nail across my neck.

"Careful how you say that" I chuckle with a wink. Her hand moves up to my neck and I choke for air.

"Let's get a taste" She puts and gets a hold of my wrists. Then she sinks her teeth into my wrist.

"Ah!" I shriek in pain. "Fuck!"

I squirm around and bite my lip. She let's go with a gasp.

"You are delicious!" She laughs. Her long sharp nail trails down my arm and it carves it's way into my skin. I hiss as the blood runs down my skin. She bends down to me and kisses my cheek.

"Wow at least buy me dinner first" I manage. I head butt her hard and shove her off of me. She groans and clutches her head. I stand up and start running. Fuck these flats! I kick them off and start running faster. But then it happens.

Something impales my left leg. Her Kagune. I gasp as indescribable pain shoots up in my body.


Holy moly! That was intense!

P.s comment some questions for author-chan please! Don't be shy!


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