Inner Secrets

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Okay, so thank you to you guys who have stuck with this story! I know I haven't been around much and I'm sorry.

But i've come to the conclusion that I'll be cutting my chapters in half from now on so instead of 6, you get 3. :D Or at least I hope this turns out to be 3. >.> Also, I'm sorry if my tenses are flipping around again. I've been trying to keep them straight, but it's hard as hell for me. Unless, you know, someone wants to be my editor and help me with this crap. Anyways, here's an update. ENJOY!

- Sierra

P.S. What is something that you would like to see happen in the story? Any thoughts? I love requests. ;D


“Grant, I seriously can’t do this. It’s beyond my capacity of nerdiness to be… flirty.” The said boy sighed and ran a exasperated hand over his face. It had been only an hour since we arrived to the broken house and I was already failing miserably at my task. It was more than obvious that Natural Selection had it out for me, but I kept my mouth shut around Grant. He was somehow convinced I would become a sex deviant in record time. Let’s just let him live in fantasy land. 

“There‘s no such thing as ‘beyond your capacity’. Come on, let’s try this one more time.”

I let out an irritated sigh before going to my place on the opposite side of the decrepit living room for the millionth time. Grant retreated to his little corner to think of our next scenario. I could already see it playing out in my head, ‘game play by game play’ as Sumner so lovingly called it.

“Alright, I got it. Family reunion. We’re friends of the family and we’ve heard of one another, but haven’t actually spoken. So we make eye contact across the room…” Rolling my eyes, I turned to face Grant and looked boredly into his eyes. He stared back seductively, the emerald of his orbs seeming to be made of liquid. I ignored the flipping sensation in my stomach and looked to the front window, which he had instructed me to do for the gazillionth time. He called it ‘playing hard to get’ or something. Whatever.

“Now, I approach you with the kind of easy, debonair walk that already has you trembling in the knees and just dying to jump my di-”

“Grant, seriously? Just make your move already,” I snapped, tucking a loose strand behind my right ear. I heard Grant sigh behind me. Warm, yellow light stretched itself across part of the wooden floor, revealing the debris gathered on the glass.

In a weird sort of way, it was beautiful to me. It was the sort of heady, dizzy beauty that made me think of dancing in the middle of the desert or making love under the full moon. I sighed in content and glanced over to look at Grant. My eyes widened in surprise to see him just standing there, staring with a kind of… longing. A kind of longing that you had to experience to understand. 

A rush of heat covered my face and I turned away. My face was probably the same shade as a fire truck. I glanced back only to see Grant was gone. Geez, talk about Ninja. Suddenly, the protesting creaks of the wood resonated somewhere behind me and I stilled. My heart beat picked up subtly, the creaking coming closer. A waft of cinnamon and fire surrounded me from behind; I didn’t have to look to know who it was.

“Hey…” I glanced over to my left only to be startled by Grant’s eyes inches from mine. His whole body was leaned over me; he cocooned me in his warmth. My blush became so deep I could see the discoloration out of the corner of my eye. Get it together Seaver!… Wait- was that citrus I smelled?

“Er, Hm- uhm.” Epic fail couldn’t even describe how hard I was sucking right now. Think!

“I…” The inside of my mouth went dry as Grant pressed his nose to my ear. The smell of citrus fanned across my cheek and I felt my knees wobble. He was right about the trembling in the knees- I felt like I was going to fall over any minute.

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