Chronic Masturbation

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Okay, here's the continuation of the last chapter! I had decided to split them for obvious reasons. >.> Things in the story are now going to take a turn possibly for the worst... or best! ;D So enjoy, rate, comment,critique, blah blah blah, penis.

- Sierra

P.S. Thanks Rebecca for being my 70TH FAN!!!! :D


I sat cross-legged on my bed, my stereo blaring out one of my new favorite bands, NeverShoutNever and Taking Back Sunday. I was pretty sure they were the same band, but shrugged. Hayden had only introduced me to them hours before and I was already addicted. The chorus of Coffee and Cigarettes was as pristine as glass within my small space. I loved every minute of it. It was almost as good as listening to music in a carwash.  I spread out the papers for mine and Grant’s project. I could already tell I was going to be buried deep in work. When was it due again? I shrugged my shoulders and flipped open my laptop. If I don’t remember, it didn’t matter, right? 

I  mumbled the lyrics under my breath, my tone deaf voice making the lead singer (whose name I had yet to know) sound like an angel. The music was so loud that I almost missed the knock on my door before Hayden came strolling in. I glanced up at my older brother and scowled.

“I’m working, Hayden,” I drawled, flipping through another stack of papers. Hayden’s only response was a grunt. I glanced up again, only to see him standing there with a patient expression. Actually, it was more like a child holding a secret. Hayden’s hips and toes wriggled out of control, his lips pressed into a thin line.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“No. I just saw the new Kingdom Hearts trailer.” I rolled my eyes at my brother’s inner geek, ignoring the sudden excitement that filled me too.

“Are you gonna-”

“Hayden, dude, where the hell did you go? We were-” Bryce stopped short at the door, seeing me from under Hayden’s shaking arms. I gave him a weak wave.

“Hey Rice,” I greeted. Bryce cringed at my nickname for him, but gave a good natured chuckle.

“Seabear,” he retorted and I frowned.  Bryce was Hayden’s best friend and has been since they were thirteen. They had met in P.E., fighting over who was going to sit out for the game and had gotten into a fist fight. Next thing we knew, they were inseparable. Bryce flashed me one of his adorable smiles and shrugged.

“So when are you going to admit your animal lust for me, Seabear? You know I wouldn’t say no if you made a move, you sexy tellytubby.” Brye gave me a wink and I laughed. Hayden scowled in response.

“Did you know I thought they were called tellytubbies just because it was a cute name? I never realized that blue screen on their stomachs was a TV and the things on their heads antennas,” I said. Bryce snickered at my obliviousness.

“Dude, stop bonding with my sister. It’s weird,” Hayden scolded, swatting a hand across Bryce’s perfectly razored hair.

“Just because you haven’t realized what a rare, delicate flower she is…”


“Yes, Rumplestilskin?”

“Shut up.” Bryce laughed before he waved his hand in a signal that he was leaving. Once again faced with the silence of my room, I let out a breath in content. Why did every guy that was remotely attractive have to make me nervous?

Bryce’s child-like smile crossed my mind. Bryce was cute in the kind of way that made your heart melt. His sleek black hair fell in razored patterns across his cat like face. But it was Bryce’s  eyes that always got you. They played you to think he was the cutest thing to grace the planet next to puppies… which was kinda true I guess.

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