Karaoke to Kpop

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You sat in the middle of the van, Key on one side and Taemin on the other. Jonghyun, Minho, and Onew sat in the back. Taemin held onto your arm, talking in excitement, he told you about his plans on a solo debut, stories about everyone. You listened on but your mind couldn't process you were in a van with SHINee. (FR/N) would flip out. Well if she didn't abandoned you she would probably be here.

"(Y/N)!" you snapped out of your thoughts to see Taemin staring at you
"Sorry" you looked down "just thinking about things"
"Thinking about what?" Key asked. You looked up to him
"Well" you smiled "just that I was suppose to come to your concert with a friend"
"A friend?" Taemin questioned "I didn't see you with a friend"
"That's why she said she's was suppose to" Onew said he moved to the seat behind yours
"What happened" Onew asked once he got comfortable
"It was 2 hours before your concert, that i was waiting for my friend to come back" you looked from Key to Taemin "I didn't know where she went" Taemin began to motion that he was eating popcorn. You laughed
"I got a call saying she was already at your concert that she was sorry than she hung up without saying where the arena was located"
"Oh my" Onew said "how did you find it"
"Kai helped me" Key had a face of disappointment and sad
"Lighten up Kibum" He looked to you and laughed
"Few people call me by my real name"
"Oh" you blushed
"Oooooo" you heard Taemin and Onew say in usion. You laughed and Key tried to hide his embarrassment.

"Where we going anyway" you looked out the window.
"A After party"
"After party?!?" You screeched "shouldn't that be just you guys" they looked at confused
"I shouldn't be here" you began to freak"
"Calm down" you can feel Onew, Key and Taemin hold you down in your seat
"We can bring guest" Onew said
"It'll be fun" Taemin said
"Its Karaoke" Key smiled
"Karaoke?" You looked around "with you guys?"
"Is that a crime" Taemin laughed "theirs going to be more people"
"Like who?"
"Friends" Taemin smiled "like members of EXO and SNSD" your eyes grew wide, you went into shock.

"Oh my god" you sank in your seat
"(Y/N)!" Key yelled, you just sat there eyes wide. Key waved his hand in front of your faces. Onew switched places with Taemin. Taemin was sad and scared in the back
"Did i say something wrong" Taemin said from the back.
"Its okay Taemin" You said returning to your senses "it wasn't your fault"
Jonghyun had to grave Taemin shirt to prevent him from running to you
"You okay" Onew looked at you
"Yeah just went into shock" you looked at Key "It's all too new for me"
"What do you mean?" Key looked at you in the eyes
"I'm going to hang out with my friends favorite Kpop groups" you turned to Onew "I seriously don't know how I ended up here" Onew laughed
"Luck I guess" Onew smiled
"Yeah i guess" before you could say anything you heard Taemin scream and saw Onew move before he was thrown out of the way. Taemin ran and hugged you without the will to let go. He kept wailing I'm sorry. All you could do is pat his back and say it was alright.

A couple minutes later and Taemin sorry and Onew trying to get Taemin off of you. You and the SHINee members arrived at the karaoke place. Taemin still held onto you. You just let him, there was no other way to get him to budge off. You stared at the buildings around you. Everything was written in Korean. One bulding had signs and banners everywhere and another had pretty lights coming from the inside.
"Uh...Which Building?" Jonghyun and Minho walked passed you and Taemin into one of the buildings
"Just follow us" Onew said with a smile as he followed where Jonghyun and Minho went. Key stayed behind you to make sure you didnt get lost.

You entered the building, Taemin still attached to you. Everything was prettier in the inside lights flashed, music was blasting but the new thing was the multiple doors that lead from both sides which lead into a separate room.
"Last door to the right" Key said as he pused you forward
"Hehe" you walked "thanks"

You walked to the last door and you could here laughter from multiple people from inside.
"I dont know if i can do this" Taemins grip got tighter. You winched a little
"Its okay" Key put is hand your shoulder. Your heart began to pound "you want me to go in first"
"Y-yeah" Key smiled and entered the door and you heard everyone shoutin excitement. You walked in behind Key, Taemin still wouldnt let go

"dangsin-i boyeo jul ttae ibwa gi beom naega gung-geum haeseoyo" (Hey Ki-bum i was wondering when you'd show up) a girl with long blonde hair walked up to Key "naneun oelounjigo iss-eossda" (I was getting Lonely)

Key laughed "gidalineun naega mandeun joesong" (sorry to have you wait)
She laughed and looked to where you and Taemin stood

"i salam nuguya?" (Who's this?)

Key looked at you
"igeos-eun nae chingu (Y / N)" (This is my friend (Y/N)) He smiled at you
"geunyeoneun hangug-eoleul gusahaji anhseubnida " (she doesnt speak Korean)

"hangug-eoleul gusahaji anhseubnida" (Doesn't speak Korean)
She looked at you "geunyeoneun eon-eoleul hal sueobsneun gyeong-u eotteohge geunyeoneun geunyeoleulhagoissda?"(What is she doing here if she cant speak the language?)

"geunyeoneun ulileul yebi bolyeomyeon yeogileul-wassda" ( she came to see us preform)

She gave you a dirty look and than looked at Key with a innocent look

"iyue taeminleul buchag geunyeoui" (why is Taemin attached to her)

"gin iyagi" (long story) Key laughed

The girl walked up to you and held her hand out
"Hello I'm Taeyeon" you took her hand.
"I'm (Y/N)" she let go
"Yeah i know" she smiled "Key told me"
"Oh" you laughed a little

"taeyeon-eun ne chalye ya" (Taeyeon its your turn) one of the other girls yelled.

"oneun" (coming ) she yelled as she faced you again
"Hope we could be friends" she smiled and left you just standing there.

You signed in relief that she was gone, something didnt seem right about her. You felt really uncomfortable here. You looked around and saw that everyone was having fun but you, Key was singing with Taeyeon, Onew was talking with one of the EXO members. You don't remember his name.

"Taemin can you please let go, I need to use the bathroom" Taemin mouned, upset but he let go
"You okay"
"Yeah" you looked down "fine" you looked up and smiled, but you walked out the door, Taemin continued to stare at the door "she must of had to go" he strugged and joined the rest of the group.

Once you got out you began to run until you were outside, you breathed in, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pulled it out to see (FR/N) was calling you. You answered it
"(Y/N) where are you?" She said worried
"Sorry" you couldnt tell her the truth on where you were or who your with "I was getting something to eat and kinda got lost" yeah friend of the year
"I was about to call a taxi"
"Okay good" she signed in relief "i thought something happened to you" you laughed
"No im fine, all limbs intact"
"Its not funny" you could imagin her pouting on the other end
"I'll text you when im heading back, Okay"
"Okay be safe"
"I will bye" she hung up the phone, and you stared at the phone screen
"I can't wait to get back to America" you whispered and began to call a cab.

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