Day 2: Tuesday

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You were awoken with the sound of your phone vibrate from a text at 7 in the morning. You groaned and winced  as the bright light hit your face,
"Better be important" you whispered and checked who texted,

dangsin-eun mulyo oneul? (You free today?)
You shoot up. Kai? What does he want? You translate the message
"Am i free today?" You read.
wae? (Why) you texted. You set your phone down and tried to fall asleep again. Your rang agaim. You groaned in your pillow, graved your phone and looked at it

nan dangsin-i eodinga-e gajyeo gago sip-eo (I wanted to take you out somewhere) your eyes grew wide as you translated the message
"Me?" You whispered. Your phone vibrated again for another text. It was from Key.

"Hey (Y/N) Taemin is complaining you

left without telling him. Hahaha" you laughed and continued to read "I'm texting you around 7 because I won't be available today. I'll text you later tonight to ask you something"
"Ask me what?" You whispered and continued to read
"text Taemin when you get the chance, well see yeah" your heart began to flutter in your chest and you began to smile till another vibration went through your hand. You checked your phone

geulaeseo dangsin-eun mueos-eul malhabnikka? (So what do you say?)

"Crap" you whispered as you translated the message. You forgot about Kai. You looked to (FR/N) who was still asleep and than back at your phone. You smiled
"Why not" you whispered and texted Kai back

nan naega dangsingwa hamkke nol su-issneun jayu oneul-eul saeng-gag haeyo (I'm free today, I guess i can hang out with you)

keun! uliga cheoeum mannan gong-won benchieseo mannayo (Great! Meet me at the park bench where we first met)

gwaenchanh-a. geuleonde wae gong-won? (Okay. But why the park?)

jilmun-eulhaji masibsio (Don't ask questions)

"Okay" you whispered "whatever you say" you slowly got out of bed and walked to your suitcase graving a pair of black pants and a red tank top and walked to the bathroom to get ready.

It was 8:30 by the time you got out of the bathroom. (FR/N) was still asleep. You went to the little desk that sat nex to the bathroom door and began lookimg through it to find a pen and paper.

You found the pen and a note pad. You began to write (FR/N) a note

(FR/N) I'm going out. I don't know when I'll be back. Don't worry too much.


You walked over and set the note on the dresser that sat between you and (FR/N) bed. You graved your phone and your jacket checked for any messages. None, and began to head out the door

Once you were ouside you check your phone again, this time you had a message from Kai

naneun jogeum neujge doelgeoya (I'm going to be a little late)

"Oh great" you signed "well could be worst" you whispered as you began to walk towards the park area.

You made it to the empty bench were you first met Kai. You looked around to notice very few people were around the park.
"Guess everyone has somewhere to go" you sat down, and just looked down at a lone leaf for a couple minutes.

You than pulled out your phone to check the time. 9:03.
"Damn" you looked up and around. No sign of Kai or people in general. You signed.
"Wouldn't hurt to walk around" you whispered and got up. You started walking along the wooden edging that flowed along behind and the side of the bench.

(Heres what im trying to explain )

You continued to walk along the edge, keeping your balance but as you began to walk back the bench your foot slipped on the edge, you fell forward without warning. You closed your eyes ready for impact until you no longer felt yourself falling. You opened one eye and noticed the ground wasn't getting closer anymore. You opened the 2nd eye and noticed that arms were rapped around your waist. Your knees on the ground
"Uh..." you felt the arms pull you up putting you back on your feet. You turned around wiping yourself down and looked up

"Kai?" Kai stood in front of you holding onto your arm like you were going to fall again. 3 more people soon walked up behind Kai one of them was Chanyeol. You faked caughed and pulled your arm out of Kai's grip
"Thank you" you said "for saving me"
"You're Welcome" you heard Kai say. You smiled.
"Nice to see you again" Chanyeol offered his hand for a shake. You took it
"You too" he smiled and You noticed the other two were staring at you weirdly. Chanyeol noticed you staring back at them

"Oh this is Baekhyun" he pointed to the one who looks like he wore too much eyeliner "and this is Kyungsoo aka D.O" he pointed to the other one who just looked mad at the world "they speak English so don't worry"
"Uh...okay" you made a weak wave at them "hi" you said. Baekhyun smiled
"Hello" he said as he walked over to examine you "she's okay" he lifted one of your arms "needs a new sense of style" he walk around you, and began to mess with the back of your hair "needs a new hair style" he returned to meet your eyes "but besides all that" he smiled again "I like her" he hugged you without warning
"Uh...Thanks I guess" you said as he pulled the hug to an end. Chanyeol laughed. You looked around and noticed D.O had walked to one of the sides of Baekhyun. He held his hand out
"I'm Kyungsoo" he smiled "but you can call be D.O" you took his hand
"I'm (Y/N)" and shook it. After a couple seconds later he was the first to let go.
"So..." you looked from Kai to Chanyeol to Baekhyun than D.O
"Can i ask a question?"
"Let me guess" Chanyeol spoke up "your wondering why we're here"
"Yeah" you said
"Well I came to help Kai" Chanyeol said
"I heard Kai was seeing a girl that he's been talking about and I was curious" Baekhyun said in excitement "glad i did" he smiled. everyone than turned there attention to D.O.
"I was bored and saw you guys leave" he shrugged his shoulders "so i followed" everyone began to laugh.

"So why text me early to come here?"
Chanyeol repeated the same thing but in Korean, Kai than said some and Chanyeol repeated
"He wanted you to see you again" Kai said something again "and he wanted you to meet us"
"Aww" your heard Baekhyun say "thats so sweet" you snickered as Baekhyun ran and hugged Kai, you laughed as you notice D.O glare at Baekhyun.
"Someones jealous" you said laughing. D.O just looked at you than away
"Aww" you heard Baekhyun again and than he ran and hugged D.O, of course you laughed
"Okay okay" you heard Chanyeol say "enough you two" Kai walked over to you and began to push you the way they came
"Where we going?" You said trying to stop but he continued to push you
"To meet the other members" Chanyeol said walking next to Kai
"You'll love them" Baekhyun said walking on the other side.
"There good friends" D.O said walking on Baekhyun side.
"But but.."
"No Buts" Baekhyun said as he helped Kai push you forward. You signed

~Why does this happened to me~

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