Support from 11 Others

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You finally made it back to the hotel. You got lost on your way there but somehow you started to find your way around Korea. You felt numb and emotionless when you walked into the now cleaned room. Everything felt as when you first arrived. Your eyes began to tear up as you began to think when you first met Key and beginning to regret coming to Korea

(FR/N) stood by her bed already packing for the trip home tomorrow. You closed the door and began to walk to the bed and layed on it and you silently felt the tears fall down

"Start packing now (Y/N)" she said placing a folded pink shirt in her suit case "we leave early tomorrow morning"

"Yeah" you whispered, Wipping the tears from yours eyes  "okay" you sniffled, as you began getting up and started graving the very little clothes left on the floor

"Can't believe tomorrows Friday huh?" She laughed "it only felt like yesterday we just arrived" she breathed happily "im going to miss it here" she laughed again "had some good times" she placed another shirt into her suit case "too bad we didnt hangout as much but i still had fun" she smiled "how about you?" She turned towards you  but you continued to look down

"(Y/N)?" She looked at you confused. You didnt response and just continued to fold the same shirt over and over again "(Y/N)?" She asked again "are you okay?"
"Yeah" you wiped your eyes, still sniffling "im fine" you began to crack "just having..." you began to feel yourself about to cry "a bad day" you finished your sentence covering your mouth holding back the sounds you were struggling to keep in "I'm sorry" you lifted your head up to reveal your swollen red eyes and your quivering lips
"Oh my god" (FR/N) dropped what she was doing and ran to hugged you.

Right after she hugged you, you felt yourself give out and just began to cry you cryed so much Soon after you began to feel tired, weak and your eyes forbidding themselves from staying open. You fell asleep without struggle.

~Couple hours later~

You awoke to the noise of someone knocking at the hotel door. You rubbed your eyes and looked to the clock 2PM (sorry i had too) you began to look around forgetting about the knock and noticed (FR/N) had finished packing. Everything sat neatly in a corner, even your stuff was already packed.

Another knocked forced you out of thought. You got up feeling the cold air breeze onto you and walked to the door.  You opened it and your eyes grew wide. LuHan stood smiling but that wasn't the most shocking part, all of EXO stood behind him, each individually giving there specialty smile. The only one that wasn't there was Kai, which made you feel grateful. You continued to look shocked. Chanyeol was the first to speak

"We heard what happened" he smiled
"And were sorry for what it caused you" Baekhyun said looking at you sadly
"So" LuHan smiled holding something behind his back "would you accept this gift from us?" Soon after  LuHan unfolded a familiar poster in front of everyone, which revealed all 12 EXO signatures
"You guys" you smiled as LuHan handed the poster to you
"Wait" Baekhyun motioned you to stop "thats not it" he smiled and pulled a rapped box with a black bow on top
"Whats this?" You looked at the box
"Take it" he motioned you to take it "we would all appreciate it if you do" you signed and you slowly took the box from Baekhyun

"Can we go now" Sehun complained in the back "i have bubble tea at home"
"This isnt time for bubble tea" Kyungsoo said turning his attention to the younger memeber
"Its always time for bubble tea" Sehun mumbled to himself.
"Sehun?" Kyungsoo glared "shut up"
Sehun was about to say something but
You couldnt help it, you started laughing and Sehun just looked at you confused

"Its okay" you said in korean which everyone looked at you suprised "I've been picking up a few words here and there" you smiled
"And she speaks the language" Sehun blurted out and everyone began laughing, you followed after even though you didnt upstand

"You should open the box now?" Baekhyun soon said after he had his share of the laughter. You looked at the box in your hand than back at EXO, you just smiled and began to open the box. Inside layed album, there first album: Mama.
"What is this for?" You looked at everyone
"Open it!" Baekhyun jumped with excitement. You stared at him confused as you began to open the album box. Your eyes grew wide again

"If you ever feel down" Baekhyun smiled
"Listen to the album" Chanyeol smiled too
"We burned a CD for words of encouragement for you" LuHan looked down embarrassed
"What other CD?" You looked at the box that had many things stuffed into it.
"Its under the album CD" LuHan laughed as he looked up. You smiled and could feel yourself about to cry again
"I dont what to say guys" you looked to everyone and smiled "You've just made me happier than i have ever been" you felt a few tears fall down
"Awww" Baekhyun yelled and hugged you.

The rest followed after bringing in one big group hug and laughter.

"Will you come see us again?" Baekhyun asked as the hug disbanded
"I dont know" you said wipping the tears from your eyes
"Than how about staying in contact?" Chanyeol said
"Yeah we could" Xiumin said with excitement
"But can we trust her?" Kris looked to you "we dont know if she'll give our contacts away"
"That is true" Tao looked at you "can we trust her?"
"she has kept us hidden from her friend so thats a start" Kyungsoo pointed out
"So maybe we can trust her" Chen looked at you
"Whats going on?" Sehun eyes wondered to each member
"She wants to exchange phone numbers with us" Chanyeol translated "but we dont know if we can trust her"
"I think we can" Sehun blurted out "i think i would like to get to know the person who depressed Kai"
Chanyeol motioned a shhh to Sehun who grunted in the process
"Its all up to the leader anyway" Chanyeol said turning his attention to Suho

Suho stood there in silence thinking until he noticed the looks from everyone that were towards him
"What?" He looked at everyone confused
"Can we give are contact info to (Y/N)?" Baekhyun begged
"Uh" he looked to you than back at EXO "sure why not"
"Yay" he jumped "now i dont have to delete her number"
You laughed as everyone began to pull there phones out
"Hold on let me grave my phone" you snickered as you closed the door walking back to the location of your phone.

You placed the poster and the album neatly on the lamp table and graved your phone noticing the many messages you had received from both Taemin and Key. You snickered in anger and ignored them, walking back to the door opening it to 11 excited young men.

You laughed as you began to exchange phone numbers with them.

"Best Friends with EXO in a SHINee Fanfiction.....sweeeet hahaha. Once again thanks for reading, let me know in the comments if im doing a good job on my chapters. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving :D"


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