Day 3: Wednesday

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The next morning had arrive the sun wasn't  quite up yet. You awoke with a sleeping Taemin who had managed to rap himself around your waist. Yes legs and hands. You snickered to yourself and sat up.
"Taemin can you let go" you whisper in his ear
"No" he groans moving a little but keeping his hands rapped around you. You signed and began to look around. You notice Onew was still asleep in the bed next to the one you were in. He was facing you so you could see his sleeping face. It was cute in a friend type way. You began to noticed he was mumbling something in his sleep but couldn't make out what he was saying. Something about chicken.....

"What time is it?" You whispered searching for your phone but you saw that it laid with the bags of clothes that Baekhyun got for you yesterday "damn" you looked to Taemin who had his head now laying in your lap
"Taemin really!" You whispered. You heard Onew groan and move facing away from you. You winced through the whole process

"I really have to get out of here" you slowly started to remove Taemins arms from your waist he whined a little but you continued till you finally got loose from his grip and slowly began to slip out. It was a hard process he kept graving your hand tell you not to go.
"I'm just going to the bathroom" you whispered
"Come back please" he groaned a little and he finally let go of your wrist

Once you were up you walked slowly to where your phone was located to check the time. You turned your phone on it was 8:30 in the morning and you noticed a couple of text from (FR/N) and a message from an unknown number

You read (FR/N) first
"(Y/N) when will you be back?" - 7:10
"Are you dead?" - 7:45
"Your probably still asleep. Are you sleeping in the same room with that perv" - 8:15
"I'm going out please tell me when you get back" - 8:27

"(FR/N) you worry to much" you whispered going to the message from the unknown number

"(Y/N) I was wondering if your available today or tomorrow.  I wanna talk to you about something that i dont think i can say to the other members. Its LuHan by the way"

"LuHan?" You almost yelled but you covered your mouth before it came out.

"LuHan? How did you get my number?" You texted him graving a change of clothes leaving your phone and left the room. You walked to the bathroom. You fixed your hair and got into a cut dress with a white top that has a light pale pink orange looking skirt that has buttons on the skirt

Once you we're finished getting ready you began to walk back to the room
but only to hear whispering from the living room. You slowly walked to the door that divided the living room and bedrooms you opened it a little to see Jonghyun talking with Key

"You sure you want to do this" Jonghyun said "what abou Taeyeon?"

"What about Taeyeon" Key said "I'm  done with her. I don't care anymore"

"She's not done"
"Well i am" Key walked to the couch and sat down.

"Key?" Jonghyun followed him to the couch "come on she made a mistake"
They continued to talk but you left before you heard anything else

"Whats going on with Key and Taeyeon?" You whispered walking back to Onew and Taemuns room

Once you entered you looked to where Taemin and Onew layed. Taemin had soon transferred himself to Onews bed he had rapped himself around him. You snickered a little

"Taemin you weird child" you whispered and graved your phone to snap a picture "to cute to let it slide" you laughed quietly but noticed the Unknown number that is LuHan had texted. You opened it....

"I asked Kai for it. It took alot of begging to get it but I got it. Is it okay ifI give it to Baekhyun he wont stop begging for it. Will you be available today or tomorrow." You laughed a little and began texting him back

"Hahaha must of been fun. Uh sure you can give it to him. I have something planned for today so maybe tomorrow"

"Yeah no haha. Well we all wanted to see you and throw a little goodbye party before you lefted on Friday"

"Aww thats so sweet of you guys but i dont think i can do a party I would have to reject my friend again"

"You can bring her or him along"

"I'd rather not she's a little obssive with EXO and SHINee"

"Oh thats too bad. You should bring them"

"Bring who?"

"Onew, Minho, Jonghyun, Key, and Taemin since you have gotten close to them" your eyes grew wide as you read the message

"How did you know that!"

"Kai is really close with Taemin"

"Oh well i can ask but i don't know"

"Great! I'll tell everyone" you laughed a little as you closed your phone

"What are you laughing at?" Key whispered at the door. You freaked a little and your heart began to beat fast as you notice his smile
"I...well...I got invited to a party tomorrow and" you began to blush a little "you guys are invited"
"oh tomorrow" he grunted a little "I can't im busy tomorrow"
"Oh" you looked down sad "well its my-" you looked up into Keys eyes ~no i shouldn't tell him im leaving the day after tomorrow~
"Your what?" He looked at you
"Its my" ~aww damn to hell~ "first party someone is inviting me too"
"Oh" he laughed "well sorry i wont be there but at least i can hang out with you tonight" you blushed
"Oh yeah i guess" you laughed nervoused
"You should head back to your hotel your friend will probably want to see you alive and in one piece"
"Oh yeah" you faked smiled
"I can see if Jonghyun can drive you"
"I'm not driving her anywhere!" Jonghyun screamed entering his room
"Oh well" Key scratched his head "i can arrange a ride?"
"Yeah i guess" ~why is is trying to get me out so fast?~

"No need" you looked back to see Onew yowning sitting up "I can take her"
"Oh Onew you don't have too" you said "i can take a taxi"
"I have something to talk to you about anyway" he got up "so its no big deal" he walked up to you and patted your  shoulder and walked passed you
"Your wearing your pajamas?"
"Im not getting out of the car" he said
"Oh yeah" you laughed embarrassed
"Now come on lets go before Taemin figures out your leaving" he left without saying anything else. You looked back at Taemin who was fast asleep rapped around a pillow and than at Key
"I guess i have to go" you smiled graving your stuff and walked past him
"Wait?" He yelled. You turned around
"Since you took a picture of Onew and Taemin" your eyes went wide
"I did not!" You blushed screaming
"Dont deny it i saw" he laughed at your reaction in defeat "anyway lets take a picture together" he smiled
"As me and you?"
"No you and the chair" he laughed "yes me and you" he graved your phone from your hands and turned the camrea on and motioned you to get in the camrea view.

"Well i dont know"
"Oh come on" he graved your arm and pulled you right next to him with his arm around your shoulder. Your face began to turn red as he smiled at the camrea "now smile" he said and you turned your head towards the camrea "well maybe one" you laughed laying your head on his shoulder and smiled. After the picture was taken you heard Onew scream for you
"I have to go now" you looked to him
"Yeah i guess you do" he smiled looking at you in your eyes.
"Oh give this to your friend" he handed your phone back and went pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to you. It was a picture of SHINee with everyone signature and a piece of paper that had alot of funny comments and sweet things that were written from Onew, Key, and Taemin
"The paper is for you" he smiled. You laughed
"thats so sweet of you guys" you hugged Key "Thank you" you said
"You coming" Onew yelled. You smiled one more time before waving your goodbye a began heading out with Onew your heart beat faster was you kept imagining his smile.

~Maybe this is love~

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