Find Surprising yet Devious

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Once you were out the door everything became known. You recognize pieces from a book you read with (FR/N) but you couldnt recall it
" where am I ?" You whispered looking around for a slight hint of a way back to the hotel.

Taemin took your phone when he binded your hands, so you had no way to call a taxi or (FR/N)
"Just my luck" you whispered "what do i do?" You  signed and soon began to walk around. Few people looked at you weirdly as you walked by. You asked a couple of them if they could untie you but they just looked at you like you were crazy and walked off.

"(Y/N)?" you heard about 3 people repeat. You looked back to see Onew, Jonghyun, and Taemin wondering around searching for you

"Should I head back" you whispered to yourself "no" you continued to whisper "they'll just tie me up somewhere" you began to walk again with your head down, making sure that they wouldn't find you in the crowd

~I know what im doing is stupid~ you snickered a little ~but they started it~ you tried to twist your hand around to get of the rope type cloth but it still wouldnt budge

"Do you need help with that?" You stopped in your place continued to look down
"Crap" you whispered and looked up to see Minho standing there, crossed arms and staring right at you. You tried to run but he graved your shirt before you can "let me go" you yelled
But Minho ignored you as he began to pull you to the others
"Your that stupid" Minho soon said
"What?" You looked to him "Im not stupied"
"You still haven't figured out why your here" he laughed a little
"Figured out what?" Minho continued to laugh "Minho what haven't I figured out" he continued to ignore you
"Here" he said and pushed you into Onew who caught you "try to to loss her next time"
"Thanks Minho" he smiled as you grunted. Minho left and Taemin began to whin

"I thought you were gone forever" he weeped "don't ever scare me" he hugged you as you stood there mad and blindfolded again
"At least smile (Y/N)" Onew said
"Why should I" you lashed "you kidnapped me and tied me up"
"Just wait till you see the truth behind it" Onew laughed

You soon heard a door open and a familiar ring as you entered. You heard Taemin getting excited
"This is the fun part" he said as you heard him tun off
"And than there were 1 and her weird kidnapper"
"(Y/N)" Onew signed "I wish i could tell you but it'll ruin the surprise "
"The surprise of selling my organs on the black market"
"What, no" you heard him laugh "do you think were that stupied" he continued to laugh "why would we do that? Your thinking to much"
"Am i really" you grunted "i wouldn't know I've only known you for 3 days"
"Feels like its been longer" he signed "well thats for me" he said "our friendship probably means nothing to you now"
"You got that right" he laughed at your comment and graved your arm and pulled you along faster

"Here Onew" Taemin said you heard him handing something to Onew "he liked this one"
"Whos he?" You asked, no one answered you "is no one going to talk yo me?"
"Put this on" Onew said putting something in your hands
"This isn't want I ment" you signed "what is it?" You moved it in your hands
"A dress" Taemin said
"A dress?" You said "how am i supposed to put it on when my hands are binded"
"I'll help you" Onew said
"I'd rather have Taemin" you said moving
"Yay" Taemin yelled graving you and pulled you into what felt like the changing room

"Now strip" Taemin soon said closing the door
"Excuse me?!?!" You yelled bending your hands to look like you rapped yourself "who do you think you are?"
"I'm Lee Taemin from SHINee" he said
"Not what I ment" you signed
"Oh" he laughed
"Yeah" you signed again "unbind me" you said hold your hands out
"Sorry cant" he said "Onew told me not too"
"That son of a...." you closed your mouth "how am i supposed to put what ever this is on?"
"Thats why im here"
"You got to be kidding me?" You laughed "me allow you to dress me" you continued to laugh "hell no"
"Come (Y/N)" Taemin winned "Do it for Key"
"Hehe did i say Key i ment Onew"
"What does Key have to do with this?"
"Nothing" he said "now please let me help you put on the dress?"
"Fine" you sighed "but no touching my butt or boobs" you tried to glare "got it?"
"Okay you got it" he said graving the dress from you "now lets get this baby on" you signed as he laughed

Soon the dress was put on. Taemin kept saying sorry everytime his hand touched your butt, you laughed a couple times. He was just silly like a child.
"Here you go Onew" Taemin said pushing you towards Onew
"She looks beautiful Taemin"
"She does" he laughed as Onew began to pull you towards somewhere. You stopped

"What are you doing?" You yelled as you felt him unbind you and push you into a dark room, closing the door preventing you from getting out.
"Onew?" You began to slam the door "Onew open the door" you tried to look around but couldn't see anything "Onew please" you screamed again "i don't like the dark" tears began to fill your eyes "lets me out" you whispered sitting down on the floor and hugging your knees.

After what felt like hours, you soon heard another door open from somewhere and felt a breeze come in. You lifted your head to see a door open on the other side no one was there and nothing was heard. You slowly got up and looked at the door

"Whats going on" you whispered as you slowly walked to the door. You began to hear music play "Music?" You whispered

Your eyes went wide as you looked out the door.

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