Reveals to be Fake

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With the continuation of you and Key and without warning. You heard the door open and close many voices walking to the living room. You and Key broke apart. You practically jumped to one end of the couch, Key took the other.
Taemin was the first to round the corner.
"Am i interupting something?" Taemin laughed and looked to you. You covered your face from embarrassment
"Who's this?" He said leaning to get a view of your face
"Um.." Key hesitated a little "it's" he coughed a little "(Y/N)"
"(Y/N)?" He question "can't be her" he leaned more "she has--" he stopped in mid-sentence as you slowly began you remove your hands from your face. Your face a little red.
"Hey Taemin" he said with an embarrassed smile
"(Y/N)!" He screamed as he jumped on top of you hugging you with excitement. "You changed your hair!" He began messing around with it "its so pretty!" He continued to hug you until Onew appeared around the corner
"Whats all the excitement?" He to Key than Taemin.
"(Y/N)s here" Taemin said sitting close next to you still hugging you.
"(Y/N)?" he looked to were you sat "Hey (Y/N)" than he looked to where Key was and he smiled "I see you changed your hair" he laughed "nice" he turned away and walked out of the room to one of the bedrooms. Smirking.
"I wonder what hes smirking at?" Taemin said still attached to you. He looked to Key who became embarrassed and too you who just sat with wide eyes "Do you guys know?" You look to Taemin than back to were Onew went.

"I think im going to go" you said as you tried to get up. Key almost got up but than Taemin graved a hold of your waist.
"No!" Taemin yelled "Don't go"
"No" he pulled you close to him, Key got up and went to the kitchen.
"Uh..." you looked up "Taemin?"
"You've left me without telling me" he said "so you lied"
"You were asleep i-"
"No excuses" he yelled "you stay here" he hugged tighter "tonight"
"Taemin were not a couple and how can i?" You moved next to him "what do i tell my friend and where would i sleep?"
"Tell her your staying out late" he said "and you can sleep with Key"
You heard Key spit water out in the Kitchen. Taemin looked to Key than back to you
"You two have been getting closer to each other"
"Taemin i-"
"No buts" he got up "It's final" he walked to Key "your spending the night with Us"
"But we-" he pat Key on the back before he finished his sentence and walked out the room smirking.
"Is he serious" you said as Key returned to the couch
"More serious than you think" he said laughing "he may be cute but hes very serious when it comes to things"
"Oh Great" you signed.
What do I tell (FR/N)?

It soon become dark and Taemin almost tied you to a chair to prevent you from leaving. You, Key, Onew and Taemin sat on the couch watching a movie that you had no clue what was going on
"I really should go Taemin" you tried getting up but Taemin had a hold on your arm and pulled you back down
"No" and rapped his legs around you from the side. Onew laughed
"Is this funny to you?"
"Yes" he laughed more "yes it is" you glared at Onew. He just laughed even more. Key just sat there, he hasn't said anything. Was he embarrassed about what happened before?
"Taemin" you said
"Yes?" He said looking down at you. But before you could ask your phone began to vibrate on the table. You looked over to see (FR/N) calling
"Taemin can you get off me" you tried to wiggle out "my friends calling me"
"Oh she is!" Taemin leaned over, graved your phone
"Taemin no-" before you could stop him he had already answered the call
"Hello?" He said
"Who are you?" He said a couple seconds later
"I don't give out my name to anyone"
"Im not a stranger I'm also (Y/N)s friend"
"Shes hanging out with me"
"Shes staying here with me"
"If i kidnapped her i would of gave you a ransom note"
"I'm 20"
"No im not a sex offender"
"Okay listen here" he said with a serious toned voice "you don't know who your dealing with, I'm Lee Taemin" you could here laughing from the phone
"Hey don't make fun of my friend" you continued to her laughing from the phone
"Im talking with a 18 year old high school student, thats who I'm dealing with" you began to snicker and so did Onew and Key
"She's fine" he said "shes sitting right next to me"
"Sure" he said removing the phone from his ear and looked to you
"She wants to talk to you"
"Of course she does!" You said snatching the phone from his hand.
"Your not leaving" he heard Taemin whisper before you put your phone to your ear.
"(Y/N)!" She practically yelled "are you okay?"
"I'm fine" you glared at Taemin who was pouting
"Okay good" she breathed "where are you" she said "so i can come and get you" you looked back at Taemin who still pouted but his eyes were showing sadness.
"Damn it" you whispered
"(FR/N)" i better not be making a mistake
"I'm staying here" you notice Taemin and Keys eyes go wide
"What!" She screamed "are you crazy (Y/N)!"
"I maybe but there good people"
"There?" She said "theres more of them"
"Yes" you signed "5 to forsay"
"5 complete strangers" she said "thats a great idea"
"(FR/N) if you met them you'd like them even love them"

you heard foot steps from the little hallway and saw Jonghyun appear
"Hey" everyone ignored him and continued listening to your conversation, he noticed you talking on the phone "who she talking too?" Everyone motioned him a shhh.
"Fine" he whispered and sat down next to Key "Jeez"
"Don't worry (FR/N)" you said a few seconds later "If something were to happen, like that will happen he's too much of a child to do something" you looked to Taemin who was hugging a pillow "I'll call the police" a few minutes of silence had began
"What happened" Onew whispered. You covered the speaker
"She went silent" you put the phone back to your ear and heard a sign
"Fine (Y/N)" she had finally said "but text me everything that happens" she said "okay?"
"Okay" you said looking to Everyone around you, Jonghyun looked like he was getting into it
"One question (Y/N)"
"Was that guy before is his name really Lee Taemin?" she said "like Lee Taemin from SHINee?" You could tell by her tone she was starting to get excited. ~Damn it Taemin~ you had to lie to her again
"No" you said "i told him you liked SHINee"
"Aww" she said "getting my hopes up"
"I'm sorry" you said "i have to go now" you looked around "i have a crowd thats being entertained right now"
"Not cool (Y/N)" she hung up before you could say anything else

"So" Onew said "what did she say"
"Well" you looked down
"You can't stay" Taemin and everyone except Jonghyun looked down sad
"She said yes" everyone looked up
"What?" Taemin said
"I can stay" you looked up smiling. Taemin jumped up a began hugging you
"But on one condition" you said
"And?" Onew said
"I sleep with Taemin" Keys eyes went a little wide and hurt
"Okay" Taemin smiled "Deal" he hugged you tighter
"No no wait" Jonghyun said getting up "if (Y/N) is spending the night here she's staying with me" he said "I have a bigger bed than Taemin"
"Yeah" Onew says "He's right"
"But-" before you could finish Taemin pushed you into Jonghyun who catches you
"Lets go (Y/N)" he said pushing you to the bedroom that was at the end of the hallway. You looked back for a couple seconds to see Key had left mad.
"I'm sorry Key" you whispered as Jonghyun pushed you into his room and closing the door.

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