12 Is Too Many

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With many more struggles to escape and Kai's arm around your waist. You arrived in front of an empty restaurant.
"Its deserted" you said trying to wiggle out of Kai's grip.
"Wait till you get inside" Baekhyun said running inside. D.O followed behind without saying anything
"Meet you inside" Chanyeol said leaving you and Kai behind
"Wait" you screamed, but Chanyeol was already inside
"Damn" you signed
"You don't like being around me?" Kai said behind me. Your eyes went wide and you looked behind you
"You speak English?"
"Basic understanding" he smiled
"So you lied"
"No" he said beginning to pull you towards the restaurant doors "you assumed"
"But..." he opened the door but you got out of his grip, turned around and stopped him in the door way "you could of told me"
"Could of" he said turning you around and pushing you inside
"Your so mean" you began complaining but you didnt notice until someone coughed.

You stopped what you were doing and looked in front of you.
"Uh..." 12 boys plus some other sat in front of you. Baekhyun smiled motioning you to sit next to him. You just stood there until Baekhyun got up and sat you next to him himself. Kai sat next to Chanyeol who was sitting 4 seats away from you.
"Hello" one of the boys who sat next to you.
You turned towards him
"Uh...Hi" he smiled at you, he looked more like the youngest of the group
"I'm Luhan"
"(Y/N), it's nice to meet you Luhan"
"You too (Y/N)"
"(Y/N) thats pretty" the one accross from you said "I'm Xiumin by the way"
"Uh..hi" he smiled
"So (Y/N) when do you go back to America?" Luhan ask
"So soon" Baekhyun complained. You laughed
"You remind me of someone one I know"
"Well than he must be one handsome fella" Baekhyun looked pleased in himself
"More adorable than handsome" you laughed.
"Eh I'm fine with that too"
"Baekhyun is the face of half the group" Xiumin said
"Half the group?"
"Yeah" Luhan said "were split into two groups" he put his hands on the table to show you "EXO-K" he moved his right hand "and EXO-M" he moved the left hand.
"EXO-K and EXO-M" you repeated, Luhan shook his head yes "okay I got it" you looked from Baekhyun to Luhan to Xiumin.
"So whos in which group?"
"Well" Xiumin said "EXO-K is made up with Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Sehun, Kai, and Suho" Xiumin continued "EXO-M is made up with me, Luhan, Kris, Lay, Chen, and Tao"
"Oh okay" you looked at the other members
"Which ones who?"

"You already know Chanyeol, Kai, D.O Luhan, Xiumin, and me" Baekhyun looked at you
"Well the one thats sitting next to D.O?"  You looked over towards D.O than next to him.
"Thats Sehun" he pointed to the one with rainbow hair "the one next to him is Chen" he pointed to the one with light/dark brown hair "and next to Chen is Suho" he pointed to the one with black hair. Baekhyun motioned on "on the other side of Chanyeol is Kris" he pointed to the one dark blonde hair "next to Kris is Tao" he pointed to the other who also had blonde hair "and the one at the end next to Kai is Lay" he pointed to the one who looked like he had pink brown hair.

"Thats everyone" Baekhyun smiled
"Okay" you looked from everyone "i knew the names because of my friend but didnt know the faces, so Thanks Baekhyun" you smiled
"Where you from (Y/N)?" Xiumin asked
"Your pretty far from home." Luhan said "why come here alone?"
"I'm not alone" you said "i have a friend here with me, (FR/N) is her name" you looked to Luhan "shes the one that chose to come here" you laughed "she wanted to see SHINee live"
"SHINee?" Xiumin said
"Were pretty good friends with them if you want us to introduce you to them?" Baekhyun said
"Uh... No thanks" you said "I'm not much of a Kpop fan" you looked to Baekhyun
"Oh...okay" Baekhyun looked to Xiumin who was looking to Luhan
"Instead of you guys asking me questions how about i ask you guys  something"
"Sure" Luhan said
"Okay" Xiumin said
"All ears" Baekhyun said
"How did you guys end up in EXO?"
"Well most of us where scouted by SM" Xiumin  said "but for me i won 2nd place in a contest that SM held called S.M. Everysing and I became a trainee through that contest"
"Thats actually really cool Xiumin" you said as Xiumin smiled
"What about you Baekhyun?"
"I was spotted by a SM agent when I was studying for entrance exam"
"For what school?" You asked
"Seoul Institute of the Arts"
"Did you ever get in?"
"No I attended  Kyung Hee Cyber University" he continued "and Itook online classes for Culture and Arts Department of Business"
"Sweet" you said "How about you Luhan?"
"Well I'm from China and I was studying abroad in Seoul" he said "I first audtion for JYP Entertainment but that didnt go well and so i was scouted by a SM agent who told me i should audtion for there company" he smiled "and so i did"
"wow cool thats cool" you smiled "where in China did you live"
"Haidian, Beijing"
"Very cool"

A couple of minutes of question asking and answer exchange a waiter came over and began to ask for orders
"(Y/N) you hungry?" Xiumin asked
"No" you said "not really"
"Neither am i" Luhan said
"we should take (Y/N) shopping" Baekhyun blurted out
"We should" Luhan looked to Xiumin
"It could be fun" Xiumin said
"But i left my wallet at home" you said "so i cant get anything"
"No worries" Baekhyun said "i got you covered" he smiled
"Same" Luhan said
"Yeah same here too" Xiumin said
"No" you looked at them "I cant let you guys do that"
"We dont Mind" Xiumin said
"Yeah" Baekhyun looked at you "you need a new sense of style" he motioned to your jacket and black pants "and a new hair style" he moved your around
"Whats wrong with my style"
"Nothings wrong with it" Baekhyun said "you just need a new one" Baekhyun laughed
"What do you say (Y/N)?" Luham asked. You looked from Luhan who gave please eyes than to Xiumin who was motioning you to say yes and than Baekhyun who was giving you the puppy eyes. You signed
"Yay!" Baekhyun jumped up and graved your arm pulling you up
"Me, Luhan, and Xiumin are taking
(Y/N) out" Baekhyun said pulling you towards the door. Before you could here them say anything you were already pulled out the door Xiumin and Luhan walking behind
"Were going to have so much fun" Baekhyun yelled as he continued to pull you down the street.

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