Time Welled Spent

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"Sorry to all I was editing the ending and it wouldn't let me save or do anything so i had to delete it and repost it. I'm sorry again"


10 minutes of awkward silence and many yawns here and there. Onew had finally began to talk
"So " he looked to you once we had stopped in front of the hotel "did you confess" you looked to him and blushed
"Why would i confess at 8 in the morning?"
"Hes awake your awake"
"No im not confessing I'd rather we stay friends" he raised his eyebrow at you
"Really?" He said you gave in
"who am i kidding i can't be friends" you layed your hands on your lap "i dont want to ruin this friend ship and he is with Taeyeon and --"
"Wait" he stopped you "go back" he turned to you "you think Key is with Taeyeon?" He laughed "who told you that?"
"Well" you looked to him "don't tell Key but Taeyeon told me"
"Wait Taeyeon told you" he looked to you "when did you see her"
"Well when i went to your guys dorm the first time Key had something to do at the front desk and i was finding the elevators she happened to pass by" you looked down "and she told me that she and Key are together and that I'll get hurt if i dont leave him alone"

You looked up to see anger had boiled up in his face
"She said what?" He glared a little
"Its fine" you looked at him nervous
"Its not fine (Y/N)" he turned himself forward "i will not allow one of my friends to be threatened"
"Onew" he put your hand on his shoulder "its fine i leave on Friday anyway so whats the point in worring about it now" you smiled and he just signed
"Fine" he said
"Thanks" you opened the door of the car and got out
"What did you do to your hair?"
You turned your head to see (FR/N) walking out of the hotel building
"Uh..hehe" you looked down
"Its so cute" she walked up to you and began messing with it. You began to laugh until Onew decided to roll down the window wearing shades
"See you tomorrow (Y/N)" he said and drove off. Your eyes went wide as you turned to a shocked (FR/N)

"Was that Onew from SHINee?" she said
"Uh no" you looked to her nervous
"That has to be"
"Its not"
"Than who was that?"
"that was a taxi driver"
"In a brand new car?"
"(FR/N) your thinking too much" you looked to her "are you feeling okay?" you touched her forhead. She knocked your hand down
"Your hiding something" she glared "and im not liking it" you smiled and she signed and looked to the bags you held in your hand
"What are those?" She graved one of the bags and began to look through it
"I-" she interupted
"There so cute!" She pulled out a black dress that had a orange bottem and an orange jacket
"Where did you get this?" She stared at you in awe
"I went shopping at the mall yesterday"
"How did you get enough to get all these"
"Uh..." you tried to think of an excuse
"Well nevermind" she continued to look at the black dress "you have to let me wear this!"
"Okay" you smiled "if you get me something to eat"
"Deal" she laughed "lets go drop your bags in the hotel room and order some room service"
"Sounds great" you smiled and you both began to head to the doors

you stopped a couple feet away from the doors and (FR/N) had began to open them
"(FR/N)?" You said
"Yes?" She turned towards you
"Well" you began to mess with your hands "try not to freak out too much"
"(Y/N)?" She began to walk towards you "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah" you looked up "everythings okay!" You looked to her "well..."
"Spit it out (Y/N)!"
"I have a date at 7!" You covered your mouth and looked at her. Soon after you said that a huge grin appeared on her face
"(Y/N) has a date!" She yelled and hugged you
"Okay you can let me go
"your growing up so fast" she laughed
"Please let go" you said "I've been hugged by Taemin enough" you whispered
"Huh" (FR/N) looked at you "what did you say"
"Nothing" you said smiling "nothing at all"
"Okay than" she let go of you "i don't like this person in front of me but I'll accept it" she than graved your arm "now lets get some room service and talk about this coming up date" she ran pulling you along with her.

~couple hours later~

You had finished eating around 3:30 and (FR/N) began to ask her questions

"How old is he?" She asked first
"I forgot to ask" you looked at her
"So he can be 30 okay (Y/N) what mess have you gotten yourself into"
"His friend is 20 so he must not be far from that"
"Oh the one that claims his name is "Taemin"" she air qouted "Taemin"
"Yeah hehe"
"Whats his name?"
"I'm not allowed to say" you looked to her
"Is it because you never asked for it?" She signed "damn it (Y/N) your off to a bad start" she glared "for all you know he's a rapist"
"Kibum!" You yelled
"What" she looked at you and you signed you knew you couldnt say Key
"His name is Kibum"
"Yes" you looked to her
"As in SHINee Kibum?"
"(FR/N) you think too much" you signed "no he's not from SHINee or any other group" she looked down upset "He's just a guy that i happen to be introduced too"
"Introduced to?" She questioned "by who"
"Someone i met at the park" you motioned in "it doesn't matter"
"Well it does to me" she graved your hands "whats his name?"
"I'll stop if you tell me the other friends name?" She gave you puppy dog eyes
"You promise you wont ask anymore questions"
"Yes" she looked at you "now tell me" you signed
"Jong-in" you said "now no more questions"
"But but"
"No" she pouted and signed
"Fine you win" you laughed "im goung to the bathroom" she headed to the bathroom and than you heard a knock at the door
"I'll get it" you yelled heading to the door and opened. Your eyes grew wide....

"Taemin?" Taemin smiled as you opened the door
"I finally found you" he jumped and hugged you. You looked back to make sure (FR/N) wasnt there
"Damn it Taemin" you pushed him out and closhed the door behind you
"What are you doing here?" You looked back and forth "how did you find me?"
"The front desk guy" he smiled "i just told him you were my cousin and i forgot what room you were in"
"Taemin" you signed "you better have a good reason to be here" you glared
"Matter fact i do" he smiled more "im here to pick you up"
"Pick me up?"
"I cant leave now" you looked to the door "its only" you than looked at your phone "3:45"
"Sure you can" Taemin soon graved a hold of you and lifted you over his shoulder and began walking down the hall. Of course you began to scream
"Taemin!" You began to kick your legs in the air as he continued to walk "let me down!" You began to hit his back but he just continued "Taemin!"
You scremed
"Shush before everyone comes out" Taemin said laughing. You looked down the hall to see people coming out of there hotel rooms and staring your way. (FR/N) was one of them
"(FR/N)!" you yelled and she just looked at you....

"Damn it Taemin!" You yelled before Taemin went around the corner and too the elevator

《Complete》Meeting SHINee's Key《Key X Reader》Where stories live. Discover now