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"Sorry is this is late I've been busy with school and stuff. please enjoy this chapter"


"Kai texted you?" LuHan said with a smile "and he's wondering if your free?" He looked at you "he likes you"
"LuHan no" you laughed "Kai doesnt like me"
"Than what is then?" He leaned towards you waiting for your answer
"Tell me please so i may understand"
"Its just a friend asking a friend to hang out" you shrugged "i dont see this as anything other than friends"

"A friend asking a friend if there free near the night portion of the day" he got up and began to walk back and forth "a friend whos taking you out somewhere" he laughed "i see this as a date"
"Its just two friends hanging out" you grunted and texted Kai back

"What did you say?" LuHan jumped on your bed and looked at you
"Dont worry about it" you set your phone back down "nothing important"
"Not important?" LuHan shot up and looked at you confused "you have been asked out twice in a row" he laughed "how is that not Important?"
You held your hand out and began counting with your fingers
"One its not a date, Two were just friends, Three LuHan you think too much"
"Me think too much?" he laughed "me thinking to much will prove that Kai likes you" he pointed at you "your in denial"
"Im not in denial" you complained

"Did you denied Key when he asked you out?" He got closer to you "no because you also liked him too" you began to blush after he said those words "you dont like Kai that way so you denied it" he shrugged "its that simple"

You began to think and looked back to LuHan "am i really in denial?"
"I wouldnt know, I'm not you"
"Wow" you grunted "now you got me confused" LuHan laughed and gave you the thumbs up
"Your Welcome" you pushed him over. He continued to laugh as he fell to the ground

"You should go" he said sitting criss cross on the floor
"But" you looked to him "what about Key?"
"Are you guys officially dating?" LuHan air qouted dating
"Well he did say girlfriend"
"But did you agree to it?" He looked to you "did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"
"Well.... no" you looked down
"And whats the big deal if your hanging out with a friend?" You looked up as he smiled
"Thanks LuHan"
"I care for my friends" he held his arms open waiting for a hug. You laughed and hugged him

"LuHan your a good friend"

you laughed as you heard the door open you turned your head and your eyes wide
"(FR/N)!" you screamed turning  LuHans back to her
"Hey (Y/N)" she looked up and looked at you confused "whos this?" She pointed to LuHan. LuHan was about to turn around but you stopped him before he could
"No one" you smiled "turn around and your dead" you whispered to LuHan.
"Is this the friend you've been hanging with?" She smiled and began to walk towards you guys

"Stop!" You yelled. She stopped and looked at you confused
"Whats wrong?" She asked
"Uh..." you looked to LuHan who just shrugged his shoulders. You looked back to (FR/N) "he...uh he doesnt like other people looking at him" you randomly said. She looked at you more confused
"Doesn't like people looking at him?" He laughed "thats a stupid reason" she crossed her arms "why that?" She asked
"Uh...because..." you froze in your place

"Because I look like LuHan from EXO" LuHan said turning around and (FR/N) eyes grew wide and covered her mouth
"Wow" she got up and examined LuHan "you look exactly like LuHan" she continued to look at him shocked as you stood there looking at LuHan with wide eyes

"Thats so crazy" she stopped and stood in front of LuHan "are you sure your not LuHan?" She asked
"Im sure" he laughed "im not from here, i dont even know who this LuHan is"
"Oh really" she smiled "where you from?"
"I was born in China but i left when i was still a baby. I raised mostly around the world" he smiled "i lived in America for a couple of years"
"Thats cool" she sat down "if you dont know LuHan" she soon asked "how did you know he was from EXO?"
LuHan you dumbo

"Oh thats a funny story" he laughed "so what happened is one day I going home after getting somethings from the store" he sat next to (FR/N) "and i remember passing by this big group of girls" he motioned his hands to show the amount of people "they started whispering" he began to whisper "is that LuHan from EXO? I dont know? It looks like him? So i turned around to get a look at them cause i was curious" he started laughing again "they soon started screaming and running at me"
"Oh my god" (FR/N) laughed "what did you do?"
"I ran" he laughed "they just chased me screaming its LuHan from EXO" (FR/N) began to laugh with LuHan
"That must of been so confusing for you" (FR/N) said trying to catch her breath
"It was" he yelled "they chased me till i lost them in the park"
"Thats so funny" she smiled but soon she shook her head

"oh i forgot to introduce myself" she held her hand out "I'm (FR/N)"
"I'm Han" he graved her hand "its nice to meet you (FR/N)" he said shaking her hand
"You too Han" she smiled. LuHan smiled but then looked at a glaring you
"Oh" he looks back at (FR/N) "looks like i have to go now" he got up and bowed "it was nice to meet you" he looked to you "I'll message you (Y/N)"  he graved the poster that had his signature on it and walked to the door
"Wait thats mi...." he closed the door without allowing (FR/N) to finish her sentence

You turned to (FR/N) and made a nervous smile
"Why did he take my poster?" He crossed her arms
"Uh..hes doing a research on EXO" you continued to smile "I'll buy it off of you"
"Is there something your hiding from me (Y/N)?"
"No" you shook your head "why would I" you walked to her and put your hands to her shoulders "your my best friend" you smiled walking to the dresser where your phone lyed and checked your phone.

Your eyes went wide "i have to go" you screamed leaving your phone behind. (FR/N) was about to tell you but you ran out the door before she could tell you.
"What was so important?" (FR/N) Whispered and picked up your phone opening to reveal a text....

You continued to run till you ran to the elevator and the door opened to reveal a familiar person...


"LuHans story that he tells is made-up. I want to make sure you guys new"

《Complete》Meeting SHINee's Key《Key X Reader》Where stories live. Discover now