Oh No

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Numbness took over. You felt way to close, Draco Malfoy is... EVIL! He bullied people for fun! He was an venomous snake, and you his prey.
     After an awkward forever the numbness left and you slithered away from Malfoy. The book was held close to your chest. You where gone.
     The hall was oddly quiet, like horror movie your going to die quiet. You froze at the sound of foot steps.
     "He-Hello?" You whispered; then kept walking, picking up speed until... Something hit your back, pain filled you. Your vision blurred and your body hit the floor.

A/N: Hahaha cliff hanger!!! I'm evil!! What happened? Idk. School is starting soon and I have a party to go to tomorrow so yeah, my updates will start sucking.

A Lonely Snake and A Hurt Mouse Where stories live. Discover now