The End

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A/N: Here it is... chapter 30. Wow. It's time to bring this to an end... ready? Let's go.

     You looked at Draco. It's been awhile since you got to sleep without any little snakes waking you. You poked Draco's nose; he smirked and grabbed you. Covering you in kisses.
"I kinda miss him..." you said.
"I know. You cried about it love..." he responded, "but I miss our little Scorp as well."
The both of you lied in bed for a few more moments. It was moments like these - moments where nothing was happening - that you loved. Things where calm and peaceful.
Draco got up, "Let's go out for breakfast..." he said. You smiled and sat up.
Both of you got dressed and headed to a wizard breakfast place.
"What are we going to do with our baby at school?" You questioned.
"Sex?" You both laughed at that, "I don't know (Y/N) but there is going to be a lot more time for us... maybe we can have another. Maybe we'll travel."
"Maybe..." you leaned over and kissed Draco. You got a bad feeling... you felt, as if something was to go wrong.
You ignored it. Nothing could go wrong.

But then...
Things did go wrong...
You where back at home. Your world began to spin. That's when everything went black.

"Love!? (Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!" Draco's voice called out to you. You couldn't follow it out of this darkness... his voice stoped... you went cold...

P.o.v. 3rd Person.
Her cold lifeless corpse lied in it's coffin... her death came out of no where and for no reason. When he found her it was to late. They was no saving (Y/n) Malfoy.
"Not even death will do us part love..." Draco whispered softly under his breath.

Scorp was with the Potter's. Scorp was always a mama's boy and Draco knew (y/n)'s death was the end of his relationship with his son.
Draco put his wand to his head... "Not even death can do us part..." with that... he said the words, "Avada Kedrava..."
        He felt no pain. Death and darkness swept over him...

The End

A/n: Thank you all so much for reading. Please tell me how I did... tell me what I should write next. I had slot of fun writing this and now it's over. Wow. I hope you liked this and thank you again for reading. I love you all!!

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