Back at School

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A/N: I SURVIVED!!! Omg I made it!!! Celebrating with ice cream!!!

P.o.v. You
You got back into your classes, but you where lonely. And room mate less.
You walked into the common room to see Pug Slut and her group.
"There's that ugly weird girl..." Pansy said so you could here, her group laughed, "She's so depressing!"
Tears filled your eyes.
"And that other girl thank god she's dead, only if miss ugly would join her in the grave" they all laughed; you snapped. Matching up to the bitch, you grabbed her and pushed her to the ground. Pinning the pug faced bitchy whore, you began to beat her.
Pug Slut was crying as you broke her nose, you put her in her place.
Suddenly you where yanked off her.
"You fucking bitch!! Go burn in bloody fucking hell!! You ugly pug faced whore!!!" You screamed, then you where dragged away... By Snape.

Once you calmed down you explained what happened. Snape sighed and glared at you.
"Five points from Slitherin and a week of detention..." He said in his low menacing voice.
"Ye-Yes sir..." You left with that. 'He didn't kill me!? Wtf I was scared for no reason!' You thought, the started to cry, nothing was right! Nothing went right!
Two arms wrapped around you...

A Lonely Snake and A Hurt Mouse Where stories live. Discover now