1 - And So It Begins

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Lucifer looked at the wall that he was standing in front of. It was a very nice wall.

"Lucifer what the hell are you doing?" Michael asked, walking up to stand beside his friend.

"Well this wall appeared," Luci said. "And I don't know what it is."

"You also don't know where we are right now," Michael said, rolling his eyes. "Care to explain that?"

"I don't know, we just appeared here," Luci said.

They heard someone sigh behind them and both turned to face the person. It appeared to be a teenage girl, with short hair and glasses. She was also quite short.

"Right," she said. "Looks like I need to do some explaining."

"Did you bring us here?" Michael asked.

"Technically I created you here," the girl said. "I'm the author. And I wrote you. In fact, I'm writing this at this very moment."

"So you wrote us and we became real?" Luci asked. "What? Why do we know everything about our characters from Supernatural then?"

"Because I wrote you like that," the author said. "And guess what?" She snapped her fingers and suddenly Michael and Lucifer had a whole bunch of new memories. Ones from a world where colours will only appear when you meet your soulmate. They were brothers? No, adopted. "Now you have the memories from that world too."

"Okay so...what the hell?" Michael asked. "Why?"

"Let me explain," the author said. "I write books. Fanfictions. Of the Supernatural world. And I have a proposal that may interest you." She gestured towards the wall. "That is the fourth wall. You step through that and you will appear in any of my books. Now what I want you to do...is break it."

"Oo yes let's do that," Luci said with childish excitement, jumping up and down. "Michael can we can we can we?"

"That's probably not smart," Michael said, looking at the wall cautiously.

"But Mikeeyyy destruction."

"You only seemed childish the moment you got memories from Unknown Colours."

"It would appear so."

"Okay Michael, it's your job to stop Lucifer," the author said. "And to stop anyone else finding out about the fourth wall. And either way, you don't really have a choice, I've already written it."

"What..." Michael said.

"I'm technically writing this from the future," the author said. "Look it's complicated okay? Just go break that wall." And then she disappeared.

Luci smiled brightly and walked up to the wall. And then he poked at it.

All of a sudden the world changed around them, and they were in a house.

"Luci what the hell did you do?" Michael said, automatically whispering. Because they were sitting in a room. With the rest of the siblings they had in this world, as well as Sam and Dean. They all appeared to be watching Doctor Who.

"Oo this is chapter 19 of Unknown Colours," Luci said. "And I knew that, oh this is so cool."

"What no, Luci take us back."

"Nope. Wait but if the wall isn't here anymore, how do we break it?"

The author appeared beside them again, no one else in the room paid attention to her.

"Yeah they can't see me," she said, answering Michael and Luci's question. "But, I'm going to give you an example of how to break the fourth wall." She snapped her fingers, and Michael and Luci turned their attention to where the siblings and Winchester's had now started talking about the Doctor Who episode.

"Did they actually just do that?!" Sam yelled.

"They couldn't have just killed *spoilers*!" Dean yelled.

"Maybe they'll come back Supernatural style," Cas said. Everyone turned to look at him. "What?"

"And that is how you break the fourth wall," the author said, smirking. Luci nodded thoughtfully. "Now, go have your fun." She disappeared again.

"What's Supernatural?" Dean asked.

"I mean like in a supernatural way. Did you think I meant an actual thing?"

"Yes because the fourth wa—" Luci started to say but Michael put a hand over his mouth.

"We're not supposed to talk about that," Michael hissed. Everyone gave them confused looks, before eventually not paying attention to them anymore.

"Well technically I'm supposed to talk about it," Luci said, smirking. Michael just groaned.

"This is going to be a disaster," he said.

"Oh come on, lighten up," Luci said, before grabbing Michael's arm. The world changed around them as they appeared in the empty room with the wall again.

"How did you..." Michael said.

"We have our angel powers from Supernatural!!" Luci said with childish excitement. He looked at the wall in front of him. "It has a crack in it now."

"What, no," Michael said. "We can't break it."


"Well, what's on the other side?"

"The real world?"

"No I mean...we went through the wall into the fanfic. We came out into this random room here. This random empty room with just a broken fourth wall. So what happens when we break that?"

"Oo I can't wait to find out," Luci said with a smirk before grabbing Michael's arm and taking them back into the world of Unknown Colours.


:P Hope that made sense. And wow I literally wrote myself into the story.

"Oo what's this thing here?" Luci asked.

Luci get the hell out of my Author's Note *shoves Luci away* Right, back to this.

Chapters are most likely gonna be short, and there is actually going to be a slight storyline of Michifer, because they're not actually together straight away in this...

But anyway xD I said I'd do this. And I finally did. Got delayed due to stuff in life but meh.

Luci, care to do the honours? *Luci nods and takes pie and holds it out for everyone to take*

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