2 - Breaking the Wall Within A Wall Break

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"You know, I realized something," Michael said. "This is the Unknown Colours verse isn't it?"

"Yep," Luci said, watching Sam and Gabe from a distance. They were being fluffy.

"Then why can we see colours?"

"Probably coz we're not from this universe," Luci said. "Why would the same rules apply to us?"

"Unless we've found our soulmate in here," Michael said.

"Pft," Luci said. "We have our memories. We've been able to see colours since...oh. That's not right."

"Yeah," Michael said, rolling his eyes.

"We should question the author next time we see her," Luci said. "She knows all after all."

Michael just rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of..." Luci said before snapping his fingers. They appeared back in the empty room with the strange fourth wall. Luci smirked. "Look at this."

"What?" Michael said.

Luci put a hand on the wall, and this time instead of going into Unknown Colours, they were in another verse.

"What the hell?" Michael said.

"What, you couldn't tell when the author started another book?" Luci asked. "We're in this one too."

"Okay but memories of this world would be nice. Where are we?"

"Well, Luci you're getting good at this," a voice said from behind them, and they turned to see the author standing there. "This is Hunter's Angel. You're hunters here." She snapped her fingers and they suddenly had the memories of this world.

"Oo we're brothers here," Luci said. "We should go annoy Cas and Gabe."

"Go ahead," the author said. "I'll be on my way."

"Wait," Michael said. "Care to explain why we can see colours in Unknown Colours?"

The author just shrugged. "You'll figure it out. When I write it."

"You shouldn't have this much power," Michael muttered.

"I think it's great that she does," Luci said. "Hey what's your name?"

"Jaz," the author said with a small smile. "Well, Jasmine, but Jaz. Good coz it was getting annoying having to type out 'the author' instead of just calling myself Jaz."

"Stop breaking the fourth wall within a fourth wall break," Michael whined. "I don't want to know what's on the other side of that wall."

Jaz just smirked and disappeared. Michael sighed.

"Right, let's go annoy our cousins," Luci said and Michael grudgingly followed him.


"Woah what the..." Luci said. "Michael what's that?"

"I don't...I don't know..."

"Can I grab it?"

"I guess?"

Luci grabbed the ~ that had appeared when they time skipped.

"Michael look at it its so cute!" Luci said, holding out the ~ to Michael. Michael just looked at it skeptically. "Come on you know it's adorable."

Michael carefully took the ~ from Luci. He had to admit, it was kinda cute.

"Let's give it back to it's friend," Luci said, and returned the ~ to its spot. "I'm gonna call them squiggles."

"Oh no," Michael muttered. "Don't start an army or anything."

"Oo that's actually a good idea," Luci said. Michael just sighed again.

And so they got to Chuck's house in the world of Hunter's Angel.

Stuff happened, they talked, Dean and Cas showed up.

Dean showed off his wings to prove that he was an angel because in this world they didn't believe that angels existed.

"Dean does that mean you essentially just flashed them?" Cas asked. "What with the angel wing rules and all..."

Dean thought about that for a few seconds. "Oops. Don't think the author thought of that as she wrote it."

"Dude no, that's our job," Luci said, offended that Dean had just taken his job. That the author had let him.

"Oh sorry about that," Jaz said, because she just came and went randomly. Technically she was always there. "Still getting used to it being your thing."

"Go back and change it," Luci said with a pout as Cas went on to explain what was happening.

"No can do, I'm writing this from the future remember," Jaz said with a shrug. And then she was gone again, and the story continued on.

Michael just shook his head at Luci and they continued on in this world.


"Michael why do they keep appearing?"

"I don't know. Something to do with time skips? Because I mean, we're aware of those too."

Luci nodded, patting the squiggles. They had changed verse again, back to Unknown Colours now.

"Okay, why did we come to this verse suddenly?"

"I heard someone talking about me," Luci said, before flying off to the high school where Sam and Gabe were talking.

"Is Lucifer even in college?" Sam was saying right before Luci appeared.

"No, he just randomly appears beside people to make Satan jokes. Like that is literally all he does with his life."

"Excuse me, I rule hell too," Lucifer said, making his entrance. Gabriel rolled his eyes as Sam jumped back.

"Luci, how did you get into the school?"

"I flew."

"Seriously brother, stop with the fourth wall," Michael said, literally appearing next to Lucifer and grabbing him. He dragged Lucifer away leaving Sam and Gabe in confusion.

"Awww but Mikeyyy," Luci whined. "Be a little fun. Oh and we're not technically brothers here, wrong verse."

"Oh my Bobby come on we have memories from three universes right now, this is confusing."

"Just wait till Jaz adds in her other plans," Luci said with a smirk.

"You're breaking the fourth wall within fourth wall breaks I can't handle this..."

"Oh you love it."

"No. No I don't."

"Yes you do, Mikey you loooove me."

"No I don't."

Jaz was standing off to the side and smirking at this exchange. Because they would damn love each other if she said so.


I need to make a proper cover for this xD And hey I have a name in this now xD

Going through my list of wall breaks, it's a really damn long list xD

Anyone wanna hear something awesome, go listen to Hamilton...I'm sorry I have an obsession xD Lin Miranda is a gift to this world.

I'm considering writing a musical and getting more into musical theatre...no idea how, but I want to

*Gives everyone cake*

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