9 - Our Universe

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"Where exactly..."

"Well crap." Jaz stared at Michael and Lucifer. "How did you..."

"We broke the wall," Luci said proudly. Michael just sighed.

"You're...in...um," Jaz said slowly.

"Where are we?" Michael asked, looking at his surroundings. It was a bedroom, probably considered big by some peoples standards. It literally looked like a fangirls bedroom. Lot's of posters and there was a whole wall of photos of Jaz with actors from Supernatural... "Oh. This is your room."

"This isn't right, you're not supposed to be in this universe," Jaz said. "You need to go back."

"You were the one encouraging us to break the wall," Luci said. Jaz blinked.

"Dammit you're right," Jaz muttered. "Um...now what?"

"Let's explore the house!" Luci said.

"No let's not do that," Jaz said as Luci was already walking out of her door. Michael looked at Jaz carefully.

"Luci we should go," Michael said, as Luci ran down the stairs of the house.

"What why?" Luci yelled through the house. Michael sighed and followed Luci to the back of the house. "Why should we..." He saw Jaz who was looking at an empty cage in the corner of the room with a broken expression. "Oh."

Michael put a comforting hand on Jaz's shoulder as she continued to look at the bird cage. "You'll be okay." Jaz didn't say anything.

Michael took Luci's hand and flew them out of there, not really caring where they ended up.

They landed in a city of sorts. Probably LA or something.

"So what do you think is up with this world?" Michael asked.

"Well it sounds like we're in Jaz's universe," Luci said. "Oo does that mean Supernatural is a Tv show here?"

"Probably," Michael said. "But that also means—"

"Oh my god it's Mark Pellegrino!!"

Michael and Luci both turned towards two teenage girls who had just come running over to them.

"Oh my chuck it's actually them," one whispered dramatically. "Can we please have a photo with you?"

"And autographs?" the other asked. "Matt Cohen, we know you were only in two episodes but you're still amazing."

Michael blinked. "I was only in..." Luci sniggered slightly.

"We didn't know you two were good friends," one of the girls said. "And you're even dressed like your characters, wow."

"Maybe they're cosplaying their characters," the other said. "Actors could do that, it would be fun."

"Yes, that is what we're doing," Luci said. "So, photos?"

And so Luci and Michael let the girls take photos with them. The autographs were a bit harder because how were they supposed to sign from the actors? But they had seen both the actors signatures in Jaz's room because she's such a fangirl, and tried to replicate that.

Lucifer also signed his from Luci.

"So," Luci said, smirking as the girls ran off excitedly. "You know what I'm thinking?"

"I probably don't want to know," Michael said.

"We look like our actors," Luci said. "Imagine the chaos we could cause with this..."

"Luci what?" Michael said, before his eyes widened. "Luci no." But it was too late. Luci flew out of there...and right into the middle of a Supernatural convention.


I apologize for this being so short. But it's been a while since I updated...I was gonna write the convention scene this chapter, but I mean, I kinda hinted at what's up...

Okay pretty much, my little blue budgie who we've had for 12 years passed away last night. We could tell he didn't have very long left...No one has to say anything to that, and no one has to say they're sorry.

But yeah. Sorry my sadness leaked into the chapter a bit. But hey, the next one is going to be happy and fun and probably stupid :D

*Gives everyone pie*

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