3 - Not So Drunk Luci

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"Luci what..."

"Come on Mikey I'm hungry."

"Dude we just...our cousins are kind of in trouble here and you want to stop for food?"

Luci grinned and nodded, dragging Michael into the diner as Michael just face palmed.

About fifteen minutes, Michael, Luci and ~~~~~ walked out of the diner.

"Oh my Chuck I don't even..." Michael said, looking back at the five ~'s following them. "Luci what did you do?"

"They're my army," Luci whispered dramatically. "People in the comments give them to me."

"Then why is there an odd number?" Michael asked. Luci looked back at the squiggles.

"Oh we gave one to Clara remember?" Luci replied. "That was the one we saved from maths text books."

Jaz appeared suddenly. "Okay Luci you realize that no one except Clara is going to understand what you're talking about right?"

"Hey you're the one writing this," Luci said, shrugging. Luci waved at Clara who was at some point reading this.

Jaz just shook her head, smiling slightly. "Yeah okay, sure." She disappeared again.

"Do you think that maybe we should go help Dean, Cas, Sam and Gabe now?" Michael said. "We're in Hunter's Angel, so they should be fighting Pestilence around about now."

Luci nodded and grabbed Michael's arm, flying to where Destiel and Sabriel were fighting the horseman. They immediately joined the fight and it was won a few moments later.

"Took you long enough," Gabe said, glaring at the two of them.

"Luci made us stop on the way," Michael said. "He was hungry."

"Oh you're kidding right? I'm dying and you wanted food?"

Lucifer just shrugged, looking at the ring on the floor and picking it up. It was shiny.

Some words were said to Pestilence, and then Sam turned to Lucifer. "Give me the ring."

"Why?" Lucifer asked. "Is it important?"

"No shit," Sam said. "Give it." Lucifer pouted but gave Sam the ring.

"So," Michael said. "How's life?"

"Is that some subtle way of asking how the human angel relationships are going?" Gabe asked. "Coz it wasn't subtle."

Michael shrugged. "My people skills are rusty."

"Hey that's my quote!" Cas said.

"Not in this universe it's not," Michael said before grabbing Lucifer's arm and flying them out of the room and back into the empty room with the fourth wall.

Luci gaped at Michael. "You just broke the wall." Michael shrugged.

"I saw a chance and I took it," Michael said. "Don't know why Cas knew I was quoting him though."

"My bad," Jaz said, shrugging as she randomly walked past them. She appears randomly a lot, doesn't she.

Luci looked at the squiggles that were still following them and put them safely in the corner of the room. "They will stay here and gather until we have an army worthy of taking over the world."

Michael just shook his head.

"Woah wait a second," Michael said. "Luci there was just a time skip, where the hell are the squiggles above this line?"

"What do you mean?" Luci asked, too innocently.

"There are supposed to be squiggles above that line," Michael said.

Luci tried to hide the ~~ behind him and Michael just sighed.

"I'll take them back to the room," Michael said, moving forward to gently grab the squiggles. He disappeared, leaving Luci alone. Luci shrugged and went to see what the Novak's were doing, because during that time skip he had disappeared into the world of Unknown Colours.

"If anyone asks, you aren't our kids," Chuck was saying as he watched Cas, Gabe, Balthazar and now Luci stand around a table of shots.

"Wow Dad, so loving," Balthazar said. "Don't worry, we won't do much damage to the world."

"Speak for yourself," Luci said, picking up one of the shots.

"Cheers guys," Gabe said, clinking his against Luci's.

"Gabriel why are you taking part in this?" Chuck asked.

"Because I need a break," Gabe said.

"Yeah, but you're like...I don't know, how old are you?"

"Wow Balthazar's right, you are so loving."

Chuck shrugged and walked back over to his laptop. "Don't get caught by the cops."

"Can't guarantee anything," Luci said.

And then, to explain what happened next in one sentence, they got drunk as hell. Even though Luci is an actual angel here because he has powers from other verses.

"Now," Luci said as he stumbled drunk through a street. "Readers, hello there. Seeing as Jaz did a time skip here, I actually don't know what I'm supposed to be doing."

He sat down in the middle of the street. "I miss Mikey. Where's Mikey?"

And now, forgetting that he wasn't supposed to be an angel here, he let his hidden wings unfold from his back, and started running around scaring people.

Never mind that Gabe saw him and that made it into the writing of Unknown Colours.

"Luci what the hell...I left you alone for like two minutes."

"But it's been hours," Luci said, before randomly hugging Michael.

"Hide your wings," Michael said quietly. "There are people around."

"But Mikey we're angels we're supposed to have wings."

Michael sighed and flew Luci out of there, back into the room. "I guess time passes differently in here."

Luci just pouted and wouldn't let go of Michael.

"Lucifer would you kindly let go of me?"

Luci just made a whining sound and held Michael tighter. Michael just sighed.

Jaz appeared in that moment to take a photo of them on her phone, smirking, before disappearing without another word. Michael sighed again.

Let's follow Jaz for a moment shall we?

Yeah hey that would be me. So...let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that...angels can't get drunk.


Yo what time is it? SHOWTIME

Oh my god Hamilton reference there I just meant to say hi and it turned into yo and yeah...oops

Anyway. Sorry for the wait? I dunno, it's been a while. Not as long as some other things but still quite a while.

I feel like crap right now, dammit why did I have to get sick on holidays...coz I'm on holidays right now :D Oh and for the record, I watched Star Trek for the first time a few days ago and I love it so much, and Spirk dammit

The actor who plays Spock, Zachary Quinto, is gay, and dated Jonathon Groff, the actor who played King George in Hamilton...just a fun fact for yall

*gives everyone caaaake*

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