First Day of Summer

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After the events of 5B

Hey guys I was going to publish this a long time ago but since it's the first time I'm using this app and it's the first time a published something I write. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!

Ah, first day of summer, senior year was really fast. Kira was still with the skinwalkers since the day Scott left her there. Was it hard for him? Yeah it was but he had another things to worry about. The pack and their friendship was still growing even more and it had to. After what Theo did to them...

Scott was on his bed thinking about his lovely Kira. The moments together, dangerous things they had to go through. Everything. Kira was always beside him just like how Allison was but she was there even more often. Now she's with him anymore. He wondered how she was... if the skinwalkers where pressuring her too much,if she was hurt... he was thinking about... everything.

Scott heard footsteps coming to his door but he didn't mind it, his mind was too far away. He didn't wanted to get distracted.

"Hey dude I tried to call you some many ti-

Stiles stopped when he saw his friend laid down on his bed.

"Hey Scott, what's wrong?" Stiles said closing the door behind him.

"Nothing, just thinking." Scott replied.

"Scott I called so many times and you didn't aswered." He said sitting down on the bed.

"Oh sorry I didn't heard it." Scott said sitting up.

The boys stayed in silent for a second until one of them break it.

"Okay seriously what's wrong?" Stiles asked.

"I just... I miss her." Scott put his feet on the cold floor.

"Dude she's going to be here soon okay? It's going to be fine." Stiles placed his right hand on Scott's left shoulder.

"Yeah, but how long is soon?" Scott looked at him.

"I don't know but she will be here when you less thought about it." He took his hand out of Scott's shoulder.

"Yeah maybe..." the alpha replied looking at his hands.

"Scott, you were fine yesterday and you're like this again." He paused. "And I don't like to see you like that." He finished.

"I know, sorry." Scott stared at his friend.

"It's all good." Stiles replied with a soft voice.

"Why are you here anyway?" Scott changed the topic. If he kept going he would be more sad than he already is.

"I came to check up on you. And I guess I was right." He paused. "And I also wanted to practice lacrosse a little bit."

"Why didn't you called Liam?" Scott asked.

"Well, because I wanted to practice with you." Stiles pointed to Scott.

He didn't believed it so he looked at Stiles without saying anything.

"What am I not allowed to be with my best friend?"

"Yeah right, I'm going to take a shower." Scott said getting up and moving towards the bathroom.

Stiles looked behind to see the door close.

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs!" Stiles yelled.

"Okay!" Scott yelled back.

Stiles got out of the bedroom and headed downstairs to the couch.
He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, after that, Stiles took his phone out of his back pocket. Stiles dilled a phone number, he was ready to press the green button when someone was calling him already.

"Hey Lydia I was about to call you right now." He talked as soon as he put the phone on his ear.

"Great, because I need to tell you something."

"Really? What is it?" He sat straight up.

"I have a plan." She finally said it.

"A plan for what?" He asked.

"To make Scott kind of back to normal again." Lydia said with a little excitement.

"You know, we tried to do everything. We even took him to the club and we were the ones who got drunk and he was the one that took us home, remember?" Stiles paused. "Even though he doesn't get drunk but still..."

"Yeah, I remember that... vividly." She paused. "Well not so vividly but I remember." She finished.

"Yeah well we can't do anything else about it unless-
Stiles suddenly stopped talking .

"You're not going to say what I think you are going to say, right?" He started talking again after a few seconds.

"Just find me at my house tonight at 8 I'll tell you everything. I need to go Malia's here, bye!" Lydia said in a hurry.

"Wait Lydia-

The call ended.

"Is this she serious right now?! I'm not going there again." He said to himself.

"Going where?" Scott asked taking the final step.

Stiles jumped in fear. "Dude you scared me." Stiles paused. "Uh it doesn't matter don't worry about it." Stiles said with a hand on the back of his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" Scott asked.

"Yeah let's go." Stiles answered turning the tv off.


Hope you guys enjoyed this episode. This is my first episode!

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