The Plan

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After the practice Scott and Stiles were on their ways home it was 7:30pm and Stiles was still on the shower.
Few minutes later Stiles got out, the only thing he had on was a towel around his waist.
He was going towards his wardrobe to get some clothes when he heard 3 knocks at the door.

"How is my dad home, he was supposed to have a night shift tonight." He closed his wardrobe and hearing another 3 knocks at his door.

"Maybe it's Scott." he thought out

He finally decided to open the door.

"Hey Scott I thought you-
Stiles stopped talking when he realized who was at the door.


"Lydia? I thought I was the one going to your house." It sounded more like a question.

"Yeah, I uh... decided to change my mind and come to yours. Sorry I didn't called you." She said.

"No it's fine, come in." He got out of the way for her to come in.

"Thanks." She got in. "You know, you kinda should put some clothes on." Lydia didn't really wanted him to. She also didn't wantes to see Stiles without clothes, I mean she didn't... really.

"Oh yeah... uh... I'll be right back." He grabbed his clothes and closed the bathroom door.

Lydia took off her shoes and laid down on Stiles' bed. That's a usual thing Lydia does when she's at his house. She's already used to that room, for investigations or maybe just to talk with him. They actually became more close then they were. Now, they had movie sessions with popcorn and drinks with a blanket around them with the lights off. Just the tv and them... nothing else.

Lydia had noticed how she changed with him and the others. If she still was the old Lydia she wouldn't have the friends she has now. Even if they tried to help her. She didn't like the old Lydia anymore she was such a bitch. Well, she's still is a bitch but know she became more like a BAD BITCH.
Lydia was interropted by her thoughts when Stiles came out. He was wearing a grey shirt with black sweatpants.

"So... what did you wanted to talk about?" Stiles asked sitting next to where the banshee who was laying down.

"Uh... I wanted to talk about the plan." She said sitting up.

"Oh yeah." He paused. "So what's the plan?"

"Well, I was thinking about summer vacation." Lydia smiled confident.

"A summer vacation. It's better then I thought you were going to say." He said in relief.

"I'm not done yet."she said.

"Oh great." He touched his forehead.

"We need to do something first." She said.

"Look Lydia, if we're going to get Kira I'm not going." Stiles protested.

"I don't know about that yet." She confessed.

"What you mean you don't know?" Stiles asked.

"I mean I don't know." She paused. "Look Kira is still in the process of taking control of her fox and we don't if she's done or not." She continued.

"Maybe if we take her out of there she'll lose control again, and she might needs to go back... again. And I it'll be hard for Scott..."

"Again." Stiles finished her sentence.

"Exacly." She said. "So what are we going to do?"

"Lets go to a summer vacation and then maybe Kira will calls us or something."

Lydia gave him a 'really' face then rolled her eyes.

"Yeah obviously she will but obviously she didn't send us a text all this time because she was too busy training and on her free time she was slepping because she didn't had signal at the time." Lydia said sarcastically.

Stiles rolled his eyes.

"How about we go to the summer vacation and then maybe we have lucky and when we get out of there to go get her she might be on her way back to Beacon Hills." Stiles suggested.

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Ugh, fine. But I'm not sure if this is going to work."

"We need to have a plan B."Stiles said.

"Yes, we do." Lydia replied.

"Because plan A never works." Stiles remembered.

"No it doesn't and it kind of annoys me." Lydia confessed.

"Me too." He said.

Thank you guys for reading this.
I hope you guys liked the 2nd chapter!
Guys, I just wanted to tell that I actually wasn't expectinh any views. Even though I just got 4.... but it doesn't matter at least some people read it.
I'm sorry this chapter was really short but I'm already on my seventh chapter. I'm actually writing it. So yeah... the story is going to be really interesting. Just wait for it. I love you guys!
Have a nice day... or evening! ♡♡

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