Chapter 7

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Kira's POV in 3rd person.

"C'mon Kira! Fight!" One of the skinwalkers yelled while attacking the kitsune with one of their weapons.
"I'm trying!" Kira yelled. "Try harder!" The other skinwalker yelled back when she was ready to put one of the sticks on Kira's back. Kira swung her sword to defend herself from the two skinwalkers.

They kept fighting for a few more hours, by the time they were fighting, the third skinwalker came to attack Kira. Kira fell on the hard floor and one of the trainers swung the stick on her neck but hit the side cutting her a little bit. The girl gasped in fear, the skinwalker to the stick away from the girl so she could get up.

"We're done for now, go rest for a few more hours but I'm not sure if you're ready." One of the 3 sisters said.

"Ready for what?" Kira asked.

"For the final stage." Soraia said. She was the leader she told sometimes her sisters what to do. Even though they didn't liked it. She was also the oldest.

"And what's the final stage?" Kira asked getting closer to them. "It will decide if you will get out of here or not." Samantha answered her question. "What if I don't pass?" Kira asked worried, she was afraid to hear what would come out. "You won't be able to go home. And you will stay with us." Kiras's eyes windened, she really wanted to go home though. She finally would be able to see her friends, her parents.... Scott.
Kira couldn't do anything but nod and walk out to her room, well it wasn't exacly her room but it was still where she slept so it was her room.

Kira looked at herself on a peace of glass. She had a lot of dust in her hair and the rest of her body. She was dressed like one of them, like one of the skinwalkers. Half naked, a mini skirt and a little crop top. Her room was dark just like it was down there, but it was actually a really big place she had met a few people that have been there for 2 to 100 years in there.
She put the piece of glass down and laid down trying to rest but she couldn't. She was too nervous, what if she can't make it? She won't be able to see her friends and family ever again.

When she was finally falling asleep. Someone came to wake her up.

"Kira, it's time." She recognised the voice. It was Victoria it was also one of friends, also the shoulder of the skinwalkers. She was almost best friends with them. "I'm coming. Thanks." She said smiling at her and standing up.

Both of them got out of the room and Kira followed her to where she had to go.

"How long am I gonna be in there?" She asked afraid.

"As long as you need to be to win." Victoria looked at her.

"I can't take this anymore. I'm so nervous. Is it gonna be hard?"

They stopped walking. Victoria turned around to face her properly. "Everything you do in your life is hard. Some things less hard than others but it's always hard." Victoria took Kira's hand. "Look, when I first came here I couldn't control myself either. You know I'm a werewolf and even when it wasn't in full moon I couldn't control it. My parents died because of me and I decided to come here, and when I was finished I decides to stay here. Forever. So, if you really want to get out of here fight until you can't anymore. Even when you can't fight anymore keep going." Victoria opened some large doors that Kira never seen before. The room was really big it had a person sitting on a big chair there. It was a woman, an old women. Maybe it was the queen.

Kira slowly got inside the room with Victoria by her side.

"Kira Yukimura. I am aware of you. My daughters told me your condition and that this is your final test." The woman said calmly.

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