Chapter 3

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Malia was running in the woods.
Her eyes were glowing, wind in her hair. She loved it, it was what she liked the most about being a werecoyote. She was running as fast as she could until something catch her eyes.

"Deer." She groaned.

Since Malia got back to human she haven't been eating deer. It was her favotite food... she missed it. Malia tried to run even faster to catch the animal.
Malia jumped to catch the deer but unfortunately something or someone crashed with her.
Her claws scratched the deer but he got away anyways.
She was rolling on the dried floor that was when she realized that it was a person that crashed with her. The guy had glowing eyes. But their eyes stopped glowing because of the accident.

"Ugh." They said in erosion.

Malia was the first one to get up. She didn't even bothered to brush the dust away from her clothes. She jumped on the top of the boy and held his shirt.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?"

"Malia?" He recognized her.

"How do you know who I am?" She asked.

"I know how angry you are, but can you please stop grabbing me?" He asked.

She obied. Malia slowly got of him.

"Thank you." He said.

"So are you going to tell me how the hell do you know me or what?" The werecoyote was extremily angry with him.

"Okay, first why are you so angry?" He paused. " I can smell it and it's too much so, if you try to fight with me... I'm obliviously going to fight back." He explained.

"If don't tell me in 5 seconds how the hell you know I'm going to cut your throat out." She threatened him.

Malia started couting. "5...4...3...2...-

"Okay, okay I'll tell you!" The guy paused. "I'm Isaac... Isaac Lahey." He introduced himself.

"Okay... Isaac. How do you know me?" She asked.

"Well I was with Scott when he turned you back to human." He replied.

They started walking and talking.

"How many more people know about this?" She looked at him.

"The entire pack." He confirmed.

"Oh my god." She said embarrased.

"You know Allison had to shoot you so, you should be grateful."

"Who's Allison?" Malia asked.

Isaac stayed in silence. He remembered the moments he had with Allison. Everyone was carring more about Scott because he was her first love and they forgot about him. They forgot that Scott wasn't the only one who lost someone he loved. Isaac lost someone he loved too. First his mother, than his brother, he lost his father next even though he was bad for him, Isaac still loved him. And then he had lost Allison. The only one that felt something more than friendship between them. The only one he cared about and she cared about him back. The only one was Allison...

"Isaac?" Malia interropted his thoughts.

"I...uh... I don't want to talk about that." He looked down.

They stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Do you want to take you to Scott's?" It was an awkward silence in that moment, so she asked.

"I was going there right now actually." He smiled.

"Right..." she said.

There was such an awkward silence for a couple of minutes until one of them asked something.

"What were you doing here?" Isaac asked.

"Trying to get the deer..." she answered.

"Deer?" He asked confused.

"It's my favorite food." She paused. "And I was so close to catch it and you just ruined everything."

"Sorry, I didn't meant to." He apologised. It was kind of weird that she was hunting a deer to eat. Well weird for him. For Malia... not so much.
They talked a little about one another.

"No way I'm much faster than you!" Malia teased.

"I bet you're not." He was convinced.

"I'm a werecoyote since I was born." She said smiling.

"So?!" He thought for a second. "You know what? Let's make a race." Isaac suggested.

"Fine where to?" Malia asked.

"I don't know... uh...until Scott's house." He said smiling.

"Okay. I'm going to win anyway."She was literally convinced.

"We'll see." Isaac said. "Okay ready?" Malia nodded and stayed on her positition.

And the race started.


Stiles and Lydia were planning their sunmer vacation with the pack. They wanted to be perfect summer for Scott and for everyone else. They didn't such an awsome vacation they always used to stay in Beacon Hills and some of them somewhere else but sometimes the pack was never completed.

"Okay so... we're going to spend 4 hours without counting the time we're going to have to stop in a gas station or to eat." Stiles reminded himself and Lydia who was in front of him sitting on his bed.

"Yeah that's exacly it." Lydia confirmed.

Stiles was couting the money they had for their money for the holidays. They asked their friends for it even Scott. Lydia had been saying she wanted to spend a different summer with her friends. It was always the same and it was just... boring sometimes. She was done of it. Everyone was, but they didn't know where to go.

"Okay... so we have 350 dolars." He never thought it would be that much. "How much have you been asking, Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"Well, I asked 40 dolars each-

"40 each?! Lydia-

"Calm down you didn't let me finish!" Lydia cut him off. "Liam, Hayden, and Mason are probably not going because of their parents..." she explained with a soft voice.

"And how did you get the other..." Stiles thought.

"270." Lydia thought for him.

"270?" The boy asked confused.

"Uh... yeah, I only asked Scott and Malia." She paused. "And you didn't paid yet." She remembered him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that but you didn' answered my question Lyds." He paused. "Where did you get the money?" He asked again.

"My mom gave me." She said.

"Your mom? Why did you asked her so much money?" 270 dolars that's too much to ask for a parent isn't it?

"She actually got surprised when I   asked for the money. I usually ask for more..." Stiles narrowed his eyes.

"How much do you usually ask for?"

"You don't want to know." She warned him.
This chapter is daticated to.... TWliamandhayden I promise you there will be more chapter with Liam and Hayden together trust me, I'm already few chapters ahead and there is. There also will be stydia malisaac and scira.

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