Chapter 6

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After a long day carrying bags everywhere Scott and Stiles can finally get some rest.

They put the bags down on Lydia's bedroom. Scott colapessed on the chair near Lydia's bed. Stiles threw himself on Lydia's bed making it bounce.

"Oh my god, I won't do this again Lyds." Stiles said tired.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you." Scott warned him. Lydia laughed. She took her 6 inch heels off and laid down on the bed next to Stiles.

"It was quite a long day actually." Lydia confessed.

"Long day? I felt this day was never going to end." Stiles said. Scott obviously agreed.

After a few hours of talking the boys decided to leave their grabbed their bags with clothes that Lydia bought for them at the mall and headed to the door.

They made their way home.

Stiles had a quick shower, put his pijama on and laid down his bed.
"Oh I missed you so much." He says to the bed. Soon Stiles gets a text.

"What time are we gonna leave?"

"As late as possible... I'm way too tired to wake up early in the morning."

"But we can't get out of here late."

What time did you had the reservation?"


"And how long does it takes to get there?"

"About 2 hours."

"Great so we meet at 11am."

"Okay I'll tell the others."

"Okay. Night."

"Good night, Stiles."

After that Stiles fell asleep.

Stiles and Lydia started to get even more closer than they were. Sometimes it seemed like they were a couple but they are actually just friends. But finishing each other's senteces all the time... it's kind of suspecious.


Stiles woke up with the sound of his phone ringing. He answered the phone without even looking who it was.

"Hm..." he said loudly.

"Stiles wake the hell up!" The person yelled throw the phone.

"Lydia? What time is it?" He asked trying to wake himslef up.

"10:40" she said.

"Okay, I'll try to hurry up." He said slowly.

"Seriously if you don't be at Scott's when I get there, I'll look for you." She said in a creepy way.

"Geez. Okay I'm going." He sat up.

"Bye. Hurry up." She hang up before he could say anything. He stood up slowly walking towards the bathroom.

He took a shower and got out with nothing but a towel around his waist.
He walks towards the wardrobe to grab some clothes. But then someone opens the door.

"Stilinski, I told if you weren't the you would have some problems!" She said on an angry tone.

Stiles turned around quickly to see Lydia standing right behind him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"Are you serious? I told you I would come and you have some problems if I was there and you weren't. And I guess you're going to have some problems." She crossed her arms.

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