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Present day

2 days after the bite

I slowly open my eyes, but I quickly shut them due to the bright light burning them I open them again I look around to see that I am in the hospital. I tried to sit up but I realized my hands were hand cuffed to the bed.

Crap. Was the first thing that went through my head.

"Ah your finally awake" the doctor said the next thing I knew was a police officer came into the room

"Why am I here?" I asked

"You fell off your bike and you were also attacked by a wolf" he said then I remember what happened


I pressed on my breaks but I wasn't going to stop in time so I swerved off the road.

I moved the bike off of me, the wolf slowly came up to me. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't instead it bite my side

Flashback over

"How long have I been out?" I asked

"2 days" he said and I nodded

"May I speak with her alone?" The officer asked

"Ava." He said

"How do you know my name?" I asked

"You don't remember me 10 years" he smiled


one picked me up I shuddered at his touch I was shaken and scared

"Shhhh it's alright your safe now" he said I saw the two men put my father in cuffs and took him away

Flashback over

"Your that guy officer who saved me!" I gasped

"Yup" he said he then sat on my bed

"Listen, I'm not sure what you have been doing the last 10 years but you are going with a new family no running this time! You are going to finish your last year of high school got it? And to make sure you don't run we are going to have a tracking bracelet on you to keep tabs on your every move" he said

"So your stalking me now?" I said

"Just be good, I'll check in every month on your progress if your good for at least 3 months it will come off, just don't plan on rubbing away after" he said and I sighed

"Can you at least take these off I promise I won't run" I said and he eyed me Suspiciously

"I promise you can keep Guards at my door I won't run" I said he sighed and took them off of me

"Don't make me regret taking these off" he said and left closing my door

I then heard buzzing I looked next to me I saw my phone I quickly grab it and I answered it

"Hello?" I said

"Omg Ava are you okay?" Alex asked me

"Yea I'm fine I'm in the hospital tho." I said

"What! We are coming!!" He said

"No don't come there is guards and police guarding my room making sure I don't run I just don't want them to catch on, on who we really are! I have to play along for a bit just give me time and I'll get away" I said

"Ava we are getting you out tonight" he said

"Alex no I promise you when I get out of here I'll come, they are sending me somewhere a new home as I said I'll play nice but they are also giving me a tracking device to make sure I don't run from the home so I was thinking we move you guys In town with all of our stuff it's the best cover they don't know who the people of shadows look like so we are safe" I said

"But what if they see teenagers with huge crates with fire arms and a dog walks by and smells it and starts barking hun what then!" He snapped

"We will make sure it's Secured this time really secured" I said next thing I knew the door opened walked in the doctor and the police officer that I still don't know the name to

"Yea yea it was nice talking with you again I miss you to I'll visit soon I promise" I said then I quickly hung up the phone

"Umm, so your vitals are good, nothing showed on your CT scan which is good, and we have cleaned up and stitched the bite so you should be good to go" the doctor told me and I nodded and then he left

Your new family is coming. They are going to sigh your release papers" he said and I nodded

"It's okay to have people by your side you know" he said and I nodded

About an hour later I leave the bathroom I had finished changing back into my clothes I was wearing my black tight leather pants, my black tank , my leather jacket, and my black suede high heel boots.

"You look like you were ready for a mission" the officer said

"Yea to impress my new family" I sarcastically said

"sir, they are here" another officer said as he peeked through the door.

"well let's go" he said and i nodded following him, we walked out of the room and into the hall way, luckily we were on the second floor so we just had to walk down the stairs. once down the stairs i looked and i saw a family at the front desk there was 3 girls and 4 boys.

"You must be detective Jamie" the lady said once we reach them

"Yes!" He said as they shook hands

"And you must be Ava" she said I smiled and nodded trying to be nice

"Nice to meet you" I said

" this is Frederick my eldest son, and his sisters Sammie and Jenny, this is Scott the second oldest then the twins Jacob, Leo and Caroline she said I then locked eyes with Frederick I couldn't look away

"Ava" I heard officer Jamie call me I turn around giving him my attention I looked and saw the bracelet in his hand and it was small their was a small band then he tracking device attached to it was the size of a flip phone, he put the tracker around my ankle, then stood back up.

"how about when i need to take a shower?" i asked

"it's waterproof" he said

"tracking me in the shower now, creepy" i whispered i then heard a chuckle i turned to see it was i think his name is Frederick.

"hey, like i said this will keep you from running, no running" he said

"okay! i cant promise you no running tho" i said and he looked at me like he was about to murder me

"i run in the mornings, as i said i can't promise you that i wont run" i said

"you know what i mean Ava, now go on go home with your new family" he said and i walked off with them

they are not my family they never will be my only family is the gang and i need to get back to them i just need to get this thing off and back to them

but how they are able to track my every move and they probably would know if i try to take this off or damage or do something to it

this is going to be hard.

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