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I wake up in a soft bed, I sit up to see I'm in Frederick's room, I still feel a bit of pain in my right shoulder but I brush it off. I get out of bed and I quickly use the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my thing once I was done I walked down stairs I found everyone sitting in the living room.

"Ava" Frederick whispered getting up coming over to me.

"How do you feel?" He asked I already know he was referring to my shoulder.

"It Hurts a bit but I'm fine" I said shrugging it off.

"We have to get Emily back!" I said

"And we will, but first can I talk to you alone." Elena said and I nodded we walked into the kitchen

"What was that." She asked I was a bit confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You know what I mean, when we were in the front of the restaurant I saw your eyes change color and you had claws." She said

Shit She saw...

"You slashed his throat." She said but I said nothing. All I did was turn around and walked into the living room.

"Don't walk away from me Ava what are you hiding" she yelled everyone looked at us I turned around and flashed my eyes her eyes widen.

"Ava" I heard Frederick warn.

"She saw Frederick, they need to know hell they are mates to half of the guys anyway." I growled.

"What is she talking about?" Clark said everyone from the gang stood with Elena

"They are going to find out anyway" I said I turned around and walked outside I ran behind some trees quickly stripped I came into view I saw everyone advert my eyes, I then shifted into my wolf. Everyone had fear flash through there eyes. The girls came out and shifted, so did the twins, Scott and Frederick. The girls, Scott went to their mates.
It's been an hour since we told, everyone. We were sitting in the living silence filled the room.

"So let me at this straight, I'm mates with Sammie, your mates with Frederick, Scott and Elena are mates, Jenny and joe mates Caroline and Clark also mates, and Emily and Jacob." Alex said to me and I nodded.

"Okay one question what are mates." He asked

"Mates are someone who's destined to be together, they love each other protect each other, care for each other they live and breath because of them. With out a mate we are nothing, someone who we can all our own." Jacob suddenly said I saw the sad and pain fill his eyes, Emily wasn't here. He needed her.

"We will find-" I started to say but got cut off by a noise coming from Elena's computer.

"Emily's tracker on her necklace has been turned on." Elena said

"Thank god she was wearing it" Clark said

"She never takes it off" I said

"Why was there a tracker on her necklace." Scott asked

"We always have something on us that keeps track on our location just in case on of us gets kidnapped or something helps us to find each other, when your the most powerful gang you'll definitely have enemies" I said

"Right guys you know what to do, let's head back to the house and get ready" I said and they nodded and with that we left. After a few minutes we left. Me and the gang went to our rooms to change. I put on my black tank top, my black tights my high heel boots and my favorite black leather jacket I put in my belt and my holster. I grabbed my two hand guns and knifes and I put them in the pockets. I grabbed my helmet and my keys to my bike that I drove over here, And left.

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