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We all got into the car, and drove off, I drove a little fast until she came into view I slowed down and kept a good distance.

After a few minutes of driving she came to a slow stop as she pulled into a drive way we heard a garage door open we waited a minute until she went inside we hope our if a car, once I got out I got a smell of something that wasn't legal.

"You smell that" I said I looked at the others

"Scott, Sammie, Leo come with me, the rest of you stay here" I said we walked up to the garage and we quickly and quietly go up to the car. That's when the smell got stronger

"It smells like fire arm, and..is that wolfsbane" I whispered Sammie then smelt it again

"It's definitely wolfsbane" she said

"Why does she have these" I whispered

"Maybe she's some kinda gang leader or like a drug lord or something" Leo said

"We should talk with her when she comes back later we should really go" Scott said

"No I'll talk to her when it's the right time, I need her to trust me" I said

"Your not going to get anywhere being here if she finds out she definitely won't trust you" Leo said

"Let's go" I said we got back into the car and left.

Ava's P.O.V

After a few minutes I finally make it to the house, I pulled into the driveway I walked up to the garage door I opened up the key pad and I typed in the code I then closed the key pad once it started to open I didn't have the patients to wait so I went under neath I opened the door closing it and locking it

"Clark!" I yelled

"In here" I heard him yell and I followed his voice into a living room.

"Nice place" I said

"Where is everyone else?" I asked

"Still passed out, they drugged us with chloroform, now can you explain to us why we woke up in the woods after an hour only to see you gone" he asked

"I honestly don't even know what's going on myself, there's a lot of stuff happening that I just don't know how to even make sense of right now" I said

Am I making the right move about not telling them what's going on with me and my new family?

"Ever since you have been there with that new family it's really hard to get a hold of you" he said

"I agree with Clark" Emily said

"Why don't we just relax for now and wait till everyone gets up then we can plan everything out okay." I said and he nodded.

My mind right now, keeps drifting back to Frederick.

"We have stuff in the car" Emily said and I nodded we get up and heading for the garage. I opened the door Clark and Emily was close behind they unlocked the door and opened the trunk.

I walked up to the key pad and opened it pushing the code in so the garage door can close.

Once it was closed we opened the trunk of the car and started to bring stuff in.

"There's one more box I'll get it" I said as I walked back out I grabbed the box then I closed the trunk of the car and went back inside.

"Once the others wake up I'll have them take it down to the basement" Clark said

"This isn't your gang you have no right into telling my guys what to do!" I snapped at Clark.

"Ever since you got captured by the police and sent into that home you haven't been much of a leader" he said back next thing I knew I had him pinned against the wall.

"If you ever and I mean ever talk to me like that again, I'll sever tall ties with our gang, and I'll make sure you won't be able to have babies I'll leave you out alone in the dust understand!" I said dangerously low. I backed away from him he looked at me with a feared look on his face but quickly covered it with a plan blank look, looking like nothing had happened.

"Ava?" I heard a voice say I turn around to see everyone standing behind me.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked

"Fine, now but what Happened last night" joe asked

"Nothing that you should concern yourselves now" I said

"But we need to chat" I added and everyone took a seat.

"So as you all know you guys were drugged last night, due to Jerome he wanted a one on one fight with me, I'll be honest and frank with you, Jerome and his buddies are dead I'm not sure how but they are, and a new leader will be named and they will come for us. If and when they do we need to be ready. Which means you guys will be doing rounds around town if you see anyone or if they have come, and don't let your guard down." I said

"You'll be practicing with fighting more both Emily and Elena will train you more, and Alex will be helping you with weapons, Clark will be on this to with his gang as well" I continue

"I am?" He asked and I turned to face him

"You were there to so your also a target, I don't want to see another gang leader fall because he didn't have his guard up" I said

"I guess your right" he said I then smiled

"Great! It's settled then" I smiled I then check the time and it's only 2:30

Maybe I should head back and talk with Freddy and get it over with.

"I have to go guys but keep me posted" I said

"But you only have been here for an hour! I miss my best friend!!" Elena said coming over to hug me.

"I miss you to I'll call later there's something I gotta take care of back at the house" I said

"Like what, did you hook up!!!!" She gasped at me giving me a shocked expression I rolled my eyes and laughed

"No I didn't hook up I'll explain everything later tonight" I said

"You better!" She said and I walked to the door

"Btw your still coming over it celebrate our birthdays right!" She asked

"Defiantly" I said

"Btw if you wanna bring those hot guys you live with that's fine by me" she said and I laughed

"Maybe" I said walking out the door

Once outside I hopped on my bike and I took off

I honestly really missed them

Clark is right ever since I been placed in this home I haven't been a great leader. It's my fault I been reckless but one question that I have to start asking is why where the police there anyway.

It's all the wolfs fault for being in the middle of the road.

New chapter guys I hope you like it vote, comment, share, and follow


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