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we pull up to a big house its up a hill on a hill it's surrounded by woods but lucky theirs a dirt road leading up to the house the front isn't covered by so much trees so you can sorta see it, but to the back theirs more trees.

"welcome to your new home Ava" the lady said i still don't know her name

i get out of the car and i followed everyone inside the house is beautiful. I thought as i looked around the house

"we have a room set up for you Ava, Sammie will show you where it is, also i'm not sure where you were staying but i'm pretty sure the rest of your stuff is there now i'm also not sure where it is so i thought we just buy you some new clothes but for now you can borrow a pair of Pj's from sammie and a pair of clothes and tomorrow we can get you clothes and stuff for school" she said

"thanks, umm.." i started to say but stopped

"just call me Nancy" she said and i nodded

"do you know how to drive did you have a car?" she asked

"i had a bike." i said

"oh, well once we get you your own transportation Fredrick and the others will drive you around" she said

"alright mom enough questions let sammie show her to her room" Frederick said

"alright alright" she said

"come on" i heard a soft voice im guessing it was sammie, i followed her upstairs and down a hallway we come up to a door.

"Go on open it" she smiled and so I did I open the door and I walked into a big room.

"Okay, just get settled in I'll be back shortly with pjs and dinner should be done shortly" she said and I nodded once she left I got up and closed the door I quickly take out my phone I see that I had miss calls from Alex and everyone else and I see text messages saying emergency. I quickly call Alex

"Hello?" He said

"Hey Alex what's up?" I asked

"Gosh Ava finally!" He said

"Sorry, this new family turns out they live like semi in the middle of the woods I'm guessing they are 20 minutes away from the bored and 10 minutes away from the town, but what I was thinking I move you into town" I said

"Alright that sounds like a good idea, do you think we can meet" he asked

"If it's inside town then yea only problem I don't have my bike I crashed it, I'm not sure if they took it in or left it, if they left it I hope no one took my baby" I said

"We will see if we can get it to you some how I'll go back to see if it's there" he said next thing I knew Sammie walked into the room

"Thank you so much, alright I'll see you when I can bye bye" i said

"Who was that? If you don't mind me asking?" She said as she handed me my pjs

"Oh that was just my friend I used to know when I lived by my self he called me and said he found my bike and he's going to repair it for me" I said

"That's great!" She smiled

"Oh btw, something came up so me and the others are going on I think Frederick is staying home so if you get hungry just let him know and he could order something" she said and I nodded she smiled then left

My room is big, there's a queen sized bed, a flat screen tv mounted to the wall a dresser, my own bathroom and walk in closet and their is a door out side on the balcony. I grab my clothes and I walk into the bathroom, it's big to it has a tub, and a stand up shower it's big I open the door to my standup shower I turned on the water I close the door letting it warm up. I quickly strip my clothes and i step in the shower, the warm water felt so good hitting my skin.

Fredrick's P.O.V

We are standing at the front desk in the hospital, I'm not sure why but my wolf has been in edge all day, even more so when we arrived to the hospital.

'Alright guys she's on her way down be nice to her and remember she's human so don't tell her about you guys being wolves' my mom mind linked to us and we nodded but then it hit me. I looked up and I saw a girl walking down the stairs she's blond, wearing all black

'Mate!' My wolf screamed.

"You must be detective Jamie" my mom said

"Yes!" He said as they shook hands

"And you must be Ava" my mother said to her and she nodded and smiled

Jeez, she has a wonderful smile

"Nice to meet you" I said

" this is Frederick my eldest son, and his sisters Sammie and Jenny, this is Scott the second oldest then the twins Jacob and Leo" she said I think locked eyes with Ava I'm trying to pull away but I couldn't

"Ava" I heard detective Jamie say to her grabbing her attention, in his hand he was holding a tracking device. He then bent down and put it on her ankle and he stood back up.

"how about when i need to take a shower?" She asked

"it's waterproof" detective Jamie said

"tracking me in the shower now, creepy" she whispered, I couldn't help but chuckle, I'm guessing she heard me cause she looked up at me.

"hey, like i said this will keep you from running, no running" he said to her

"okay! i cant promise you no running tho" she started to say, and he looked at her with a serious look like he's going to murder her type of serious

"i run in the mornings, as i said i can't promise you that i wont run" she sarcastically said

"you know what i mean Ava, now go on go home with your new family" he told her as he shook his head and with that we walked off

We pull up to the house once we parked the car we get out and walked into the house. My mom started to talk to her I sorta just blocked them out

"I had a bike." I heard her say

"Oh well once we get you your transports Frederick and the others will drive you around" my mother said

"Alright mom enough questions let Sammie show her to her room" I said

"Alright alright" my mother said

"Come on" Sammie said to her and Ava followed her up stairs, I watched as she walked away. I let our a deep breath I did know I was holding

"Does she really need that thing on?" I asked

"Yes, they said she's a runner she ran away from her previous homes they just want to make sure she doesn't do it again and that she's safe" mom said

"But she's 18" I said

"I guess they just want to make sure she has a home" she said then walked away

"You okay buddy" Scott asked

"We need to talk" I said as I walked back to my office

Hey guys new chapter I hope you like it vote, comment, share, follow, Ava's room is up at the top.

Cheers guys

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