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'Ava' I heard someone say

'It's okay ava' the voice said again

'Ava' I heard again

My eyes shot straight open, and I sat straight up my body is covered in sweat I run my hands through my hair my body feels weird and tingly

"Ava!" I heard someone say which made me jump I look to see who it is

"Frederick?" I whispered

"Are you okay? You were screaming?" He asked

"Bad dream?" I said the suddenly I felt pain where my bite is I gasp and hissed at the pain.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yea, no it's just, the bite is bothering me" I said

"Let me help." He said but I just looked at him I nodded I lifted the right side of my shirt up

"Your bleeding a little" he said and he took off the big band-aid

"Non of the stitches ripped that's good and it doesn't looked infected" he said he got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom a second later he came out with a clean band-aid a bottle and the stuff the doctor said I was supposed to put on it. He opened up the big gauze pad and put the cream on it

"Lay down on your left side" he said and so I did he then put the the gauze on my stitches he then taped it up real good once he was done I sat up and I put my shirt down he opened the bottle and took two of the Ibuprofen's out and handed it to me I then put them in my mouth and I took a sip of water bottle I had next to my bed, and I swallow it.

"Thank you" I whispered

"I should be getting to bed" he said getting up But I stopped him by grabbing his arm

"Stay." I whispered he turned around and looked at me a bit surprised

"Just until I am able to fall asleep again" I whispered and he nodded, he then climbed into bed next to me I was laying down and he lied down next to me.

"The scars on your pack how did you get them?" He suddenly asked which threw me off guard

"Nothing that you should concern yourself with nor do I want to talk about it." I flatly said

"Okay." He said

Next thing I knew was sleep took over me.

I wake up the next morning I sit up in bed I run my figures threw my hair I then felt my bed move I quickly look to see Frederick sleeping in my bed, then it hit me.


I stopped him by grabbing his arm

"Stay" I whispered

End of flashback

I felt a blush keep up on my face

"Hey Ava have you seen-" Scott started to say once he came into my room but stopped when he seen Frederick in my bed.

"Oh um, I'll just come back-"

"No no, he just stood with my until I feel back to sleep I was having nightmares" he said

"Yea I uh heard the screams you okay?" He asked

"Yea yea I'm fine." I said

"Well wake him up breakfast is ready and we are leaving to go to the mall so get ready." He said and I nodded he then left. I looked back at Frederick

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