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We are current sitting down and chatting and waiting for our food.

"I am going to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" Emily said she got up and went for the bathroom. We are currently at a fancy Italian restaurant where we had to dress up in order to get a reservation.

"Hey will be right back my mom just texted I need to call her" Hays said and we all nodded going to back our conversations, but i couldn't help but feel like something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" I heard Frederick whisper in my ear.

"Nothing it's nothing" I said about a few minutes later the food came. Hays hasn't came back yet.

"I wonder what is taking Hays so long" Emily said.

"I'll go find out" I said getting up I walked outside I looked around and saw no one. I didn't see Hays anywhere. I walked back inside and to the table.

"Clark I need to speak with you." I said he got up and we stepped aside.

"He's gone." I said

"Who's gone"

"Hays, hays is gone!" I said

"What do you mean gone where could have he gone" He asked

"I'm not sure" I said

"Maybe he will show up let's just head back to the table and calm down and act like everything is normal." He said and I nodded we sat back down and started to eat we chatted and laughed but next thing I knew we all heard gun shots.

"Get down" I yelled and we did.

"We have to leave now!" I said to Frederick in a hushed tone. We heard foot steps come in. I open my bag and I pull out a small pistol

"You has that on you!" Frederick said sounding surprised

"Yup" i said we waited until they moved to the next room we quickly got out

"You guys go through the back get to the car, me Emily and Elena will go through the front" I said

"No your not going you come with us" Frederick said

"We are wasting time here you guys go this isn't up for a debate" I said he looked at me anger flashed through his eyes. I didn't want him to leave I really didn't but me Emily and Elena are stronger together. Elena went through the other exit that was on the side.

Once we got out side I heard someone pull the latch back on a gun. I slowly turn and I saw a gun point right at me the others went

"Don't try anything funny" he said

"Why would I I'm being held at gun point" I slowly said I turned around to see Hays

"Why?" I simply asked

"Cause why do I want a girl for a gang leader." He hissed.

"I treated you like family I took you in I did nothing wrong" I hissed back.

"You did everything wrong you kept me on the side lines." He said

"I told you to do what your best at and that is work with the computers." I said

"Yea while you guys get all the glory" he said

"Jealousy doesn't look great on you neither does that gun" I said I quickly moved his hand he pulled the trigger but it hit a tire from the car popping it. I threw his hand and he let go of the gun. I quickly turn around I then flipped him and he landed on the floor.

"Still week as ever" I said he then smiled and next thing I knew I felt a pair of arms hold me he got up and started to punch me. I then used my free leg to kick him but he got hold I used my other leg and kicked him in his face. I threw my head back hitting the guy in his nose. He let go of me I turn around and upper cut him and he fell but next thing I knew I heard a gun shot go off and pain surged through my right shoulder. I turned around and I looked at Hays

"Fuck that hurt" was all I said

"Ava." I heard Emily scream.

I looked to see a guy dragging her away he was a massive guy he held something to her mouth

"I'm going to make your death slow and painful" he said at that moment I felt nothing. I looked at him, and all I wanted was him dead. My breathing was starting to get heavy and my eyes started to change. I started to growl I was about to change but I knew I couldn't. I felt my claws come out I looked down and I smiled. He looked at me and fear filled his eyes I raised my hand and I slashed his throat out. It's like everything had stopped. I only could hear the sounds of my own breathing.

"Let's go!" I suddenly see Frederick I heard the sounds of sirens he brought me into the car and Elena got into the other one. Fredrick was in the back with me and Jacob was driving

"Ava calm down." Frederick said "just breath in and out, in and out" he did and started to breath in an out and I followed what he was doing before I knew it I was calming down and back to normal.

"We need to find Emily!" I said

"And we will we need to get that bullet out" Frederick said

"No we need to find Emily first!!" I said

"Ava listen to me! We are no go to Emily if your like this we will find her and we will get her back! But right now we need to get that bullet out okay!" Frederick said firmly I took a breath in and nodded

"Okay, we are hearing back to the house." He said and I nodded next thing I knew everything went black.

Hey guys Ik this is sorta a short chapter but I felt like I should end it here but I hope you enjoyed this chapter vote, comment, follow, share.

Cheers guys

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