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i started to play The Scientist by Coldplay and before i knew it i got lost in playing. After a few minutes, the song came to an end.

"That was amazing you sing really good." I heard a voice say which made me jump I spin around and I saw Frederick standing there

"I thought guys were out." I whispered

"I had to grab something, that was until I heard you play so I came" he said coming close to me.

"Ava, I'm sorry I spoke to you the way I did this morning, I know you may have a lot of questions, your confused on what's real and what's not anymore, but Ava when your ready to listen I'm here, I'm here ready to give you whatever answer you want or need." He whispered to me he was only standing a few inches from me now

"Why do you care? Why are you putting this much effort into getting to know me!" I asked

"Cause I care about you" he whispered looking at me in my eyes

"You don't even know me." I whispered looking away.

"I don't need to in this case." He said at this point he was so close to me that I could feel his breath on me

"Let's play a game." He said walking over to the couch he looked over at me and he motioned for me to come over and sit next to him so I did.

"So what's this game?" I asked looking at him

"You ask what you wanna know and I give the answers, same goes for me I ask what I wanna know and you give me the answers" he said

"What about the others?" I asked

"They don't need me" he smiled

"Okay, how did I become like this..." I asked

"You were bitten" he said flatly

"Why did you run away from your other homes" he asked

"I'm not a good person" I whispered

"What do you mean by that everyone is a good person" he said

"Trouble follows me, how many more are there?" I asked

"Thousands, why were you in the woods last night?" He asked

"Why do you care!" I snapped getting up and walking away from him.

"You need to answer my question Ava." He said I turned to face him.

"I'm not a good person. That's all you need to know nothing else" I snapped

"Why won't you tell me" he asked standing up I saw he was getting more frustrated

"Why do you care" I yelled whispered.

"Your my mate and I'll do anything for you that's why I care!" He snapped and next thing I knew his arm was as around my waist pulling me close to him. He looked right in my eyes, I saw the pain and the hurt for me not telling him the truth. I want to tell him, but I just don't trust him enough to. My body didn't freeze up this time like it did all the other times what's so different about him.

"Is it because you don't trust me?" He asked but I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say. He let go and backed away not breaking our gaze. More sadness filled his eyes he then turned around and started to walk away.

"What's a mate.."I asked my voice almost coming out as a whisper

"A mate is someone who your destined to be with and to share your life with. To protect to love to care." He said I heard the pain in his voice he then walked away sadness almost filled my heart.

He called me his mate...

Is he the person I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with?

Someone I hardly know.

Yet it feels so right to be with him...

Next thing I knew I felt my phone go off. I pulled it out of my back pocket and answered it

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Ava it's me Clark, I need you over here now" he said

"I'm on my way" I said I then hung up. I went back to my room, I grabbed my keys to my bike I grabbed my helmet and I quickly went downstairs.

"Ah Ava-"Nancy said but stopped shortly after she saw I was about to head off

"Where are you going?" She asked

"I was going actually see if it was okay if I took a ride on my bike into town just to clear off my mind" I said

"Yea that's fine honey be home before sun down" she smiled and I smiled back I then walked passed her heading for the door

"Oh Ava." She said stopping me I turned and face her

"Talk to Freddy, I know he sorta explain what is going on but please let him explain more trust him, trust us aside from this whatever is going on we aren't going to leave you on the streets we are family Ava." She said giving me a soft smile.

"You mean you know about..." I said trailing off

"I am one to" she said

"I'll talk to him later when I get home." I said

"Be safe" she said and I nodded I turned around and left.

Once outside I hopped on my bike I put my helmet on started up my bike and I was off

Frederick's P.O.V

I walked away I made my way downstairs heading for the living room.

She doesn't trust me?

My own mate doesn't trust me...

What does she mean by she isn't a good person and trouble follows her??

Once I made my way to the living room I sighed as I plopped myself on the couch.

"Hey man everything okay?" I heard a voice say I looked to see everyone is home.

"Nothing I'll explain later." I said

'I was actually going to see if it was okay if I took a ride on my bike into town just to clear my mind' I heard Ava says

"Freddy!" I heard Scott call me pulling my attention to them

"Guys we are heading out again" I said

"Where?" Jacob asked

"Ava is heading out into "town" so we are going to follow her" i said I heard a door close then her staring up her bike and leaving.

I waited about a few seconds then I looked at everyone

"Let's go." I said and with that we left.

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