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I finally make it back to the house i saw the cars gone so they probably went out.

"Ava your back early" i heard Nancy say

"yea" i smiled

"i was just about to call you, so when i went to finish enrolling you into school yesterday they found your old school records and they said you got all of your main credits so you don't need to take the prior classes to graduate so they asked me to ask you what classes you wanna take and they can see if they can put you in if they have room they gave me a list for you to look through quickly and pick out what you wanna take" she explained it to me and she handed me the list

i looked through and only saw a few classes that peaked my interest

"i wanna take dance, gym, Spanish, and chorus" i said and she nodded

"by the way, they went out the only ones home is Sammie, Leo,and Jacob" she said and i nodded and she continued making her way to the door and i made my way to my room. Once I was in my room I decided to quickly change into something cozier. I checked the time and it was only 3 I needed to do something while I waited for them to come back.

Then it hit me. I got up and I went down stairs and straight for the back yard. Once I was outside I walked a little into the woods. I quickly stripped my clothes and started to think

They said I can turn into a wolf so I wanna try it. I wanna trust them, and this seems like the perfect thing to do. I thought hard next thing I knew I felt my bones break and re-break. It wasn't the best feeling but I managed not to scream. After a few minutes Everything stopped I stood up and I took and step and I saw a white paw. I then took off running.

I feel so free.

All of my stress has suddenly disappeared.

This is soooo amazing!!!!!!

I'm not sure how long I ran for but I can tell it was time to go back the sun was starting to set. When I got back I quickly changed back and I changed back into my clothes.

I'm sooo tired Ima just fall back asleep in my room.

I check the time and dang it's already 7:30

I'm definitely going to bed early I got back inside and I went straight for my room, I decided to shower quickly I have my own bathroom in my room at least I have a private bathroom. After my shower I walk back into my room I check the time and I see it's 8 I walk into my closet and I pick out my pjs I walk over to my dresser and I pick out a bra and underwear. I quickly change into my clothes I walk back into my bathroom and brush my hair I'm lucky i have straight hair.

Once I was finished I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Frederick's P.O.V

I can't seem to get Ava off my mind she's been gone most of the day, it's only 9 now. I'm currently in the game room with Scott, Leo, and Jacob playing Call of duty.

"Freddy dude what's the deal you always bring your A game when we play zombie and right now Leo has the most points and he sucks" Scott said

"Hey!" Leo said

"I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind." I said setting my controller down

"Is it Ava?" He asked and I looked at him and nodded

"She will come round give her time she-" he started to say but then get cuts off by a screams I instantly know it's Ava. I get up and dash off up to her room. Once I get to her room I open the door and I rush to her side I look at her and I see tears fall from her eyes.

"Shhh Ava it's okay" I said shaking her trying to wake her up but it's not working. I get on the bed and sit on the other side of her. I pull her into my arms and I hold her tight

"Ava wake up, your okay Ava your safe" I whispered in her ear. She's calming down now she stopped screaming but she's still crying

"Shhh baby shhh it's okay your alright" I keep saying to her next thing I knew she started to sit up she turned her head to look at me. I move my hand to her cheek and I wipe her tears away.

"You had a nightmare and you were screaming" I said to her

"I'm taking you to the doctors tomorrow" I told her

"What about school?" She asked

"Screw school, your more important" i told her

"I'm staying with you for the rest of the night no if ands or buts" I added and she nodded

"Come let's go watch some tv" I said getting out of bed and she nodded and we both left the room heading to the game room. Once we got there Jacob and Leo were both still in there

"The princess had awakened" Jacob said

"Out both of you" I said

"What come on!" Leo whined

"Now!" I growled they both groaned getting up and leavening I turned off the game and I turned on Netflix and we both sat on the couch.

Ava's P.O.V

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked as we both as on the couch

"Arrow!" I said and he looked at me

"What? It's a good show!" I added with a smile.

We started to watch season 2 right where they left off. Next thing I knew was he put his arm around me and pulling me in. I was a little taken back but I didn't mind.

"Growing up I was abused by my father, one day when I was 8 he took it to far, he beat my mom to death, I heard yelling and screaming I hid in my closet cause I was so scared. Until all the yelling and screaming stopped the house was silent. Next thing I knew he pulled me out of the closet turned me around lifted up my shirt and heated me with his belt until I started to bleed. This those scares on my back. He's in jail now." I whispered I felt tears fall from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry darling" he whispered

"The reason why I keep you guys up with me screaming at night was because the dreams I have aren't dreams they are memories nightmares of when my father used to beat me" I whispered

"The reason why I was in the woods last night was because I was meeting with a gang leader the most wanted gang leader in the U.K, reason why I was meeting with him is because I am the most wanted gang leader is America. I'm the leader of the Muerte En La Noche which means death in the night in Spanish, it just sounds way cooler in Spanish then in English, he wanted to meet with me to strike up a deal, he wanted my gang gone, he wanted to move to America to build his gang. he wanted everything I had and I said no. The reason why I didn't tell you was because I was scared that you'll turn me in..." I said explaining everything to him. He stood quite not breaking the out gaze

"Please say something..." I whispered

"I'll never turn you in, your my mate and I'll never do that to you! Ava I love you your the only one I wanna share my life with! I wanna be your and I want you to be mine! I'll take care of you we will take care of you! We are your family! And we will never turn you in!" He said, I felt tears fall from my eyes

"Tomorrow after the doctor I'm taking you out on a date okay! Just you and me, then when everyone gets home form school you are going to tell them what you told me." He told me and i nodded

"Let's go to bed" he said and I nodded he turned everything off we then left back to my room we got into bed we got under the covers and he wrapped his arms around me I turned off my lap and we went to bed.

GUYS!!! SHE FINALLY TOLD HIM! AND THEY ARE GOING ONA DATE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER HOW EXCITING!!!!! Lemme know what you think about this chapter vote, comment, share, and follow


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