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i woke up the next morning i then sit up and stretch I then felt my bed shake I looked to see Frederick sleeping in my bed, next thing I knew memories from last night came rushing back. I felt a blush creep up on my face. I quickly but slowly get up from bed trying not to move it to much so I don't wake him. I make my way into the bathroom I closed the door and turned on the light I then turned on the shower and quickly undress. Once I was done I stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good.

Once I finished I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, I didn't wash my hair since I washed it yesterday. I open the door and peaked out my room, I see that he has left my room. It's starting to get a littler cold out so I decided to wear something warm today. I'm wearing my 'Adidas' black sweat shirt, blue skinny jeans, and my black and gold high top Jordan's. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs. As I am walking down stairs I smelt something good.

"Good morning Ava" I heard Scott said once I entered the living room.

"You look good today" Leo said winking at me next thing I knew I heard a growl, and I was being pulled over and ended up sitting on Fredericks lap. His arms around me and his face buried in my neck.

"Breakfast is ready sir." We heard a voice say and Fredericks head pop up and looked right at the person

"Thank you April that's all for now" he said and she nodded then walked away. We all got up and went into the dinning room. Once we all sat down everyone waited not sure why but they did. They looked at me and Frederick I felt my stomach growl. So I just took a bite of my food so did Frederick and everyone else.

"So I won't be going to school with you guys today" Frederick suddenly said and they all look at him.

"Why?" Nancy asked

"I'm taking Ava to see the pack doctor." He said

Pack doctor?

"I'm not taking her to the regular doctor, the pack is literally not a far walk through the woods" he said

"Why does she need to go- she isn't?" Nancy started to say

"No mom! you all have been woken by her screams, so I'm taking her to see a doctor" he said rolling his eyes

"Don't you think it's early to meet the pack?" Sammie asked

"She isn't fully meeting the pack yet, don't you guys have school to get to" he said they checked the time then got up and raced off.

"Come on let's get going" Frederick said and I nodded getting up we walked out of the house and I followed him to the garage. He then opened it to reveal a beautiful car. His garage was big which could fit at least 3 maybe 4 cars but his car was beautiful.

"You have a Lamborghini and it looks like a bloody transformer!!" I said and he just laughed

"You like?" He asked and I turned to him giving him a look like did you just seriously ask me that kinda look.

"Like! LIKE! I LOVE YOUR CAR!!" I said with a big smile.

I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy but all well I guess.

"Well get in" he said and I smiled I ran over to the car I opened the door and I got in and closed it. He then got in the driver side and started the car and closed his door he drove out of the driveway and he turned heading onto a dirt road that was on the side of the house. He drove up and about 2 minuets later we come up to a big clearing with at least one big house and a small one.

"Is there were the rest of the pack lives?" I asked

"Only some of the pack like the ones who didn't really have a home live here he rest lives with in the town. Since the whole town is on our land some pack members decided to live with in the town, but they come when I call" he said I looked out the window I saw kids playing and other pack members running and shifting. We pull up to the small house. He parked the car in front and he shut off the car we open the door and we get out. All eyes were on me Frederick was at my side and we walked in.

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