I. Prologue

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"Rock, I need you to help me clean up the lab."

"Coming, Dad!"

It feels good to be back home. That's when I heard Proto Man's whistle. He teleported in behind Doctor Light. "Blues?"

He just smiled wickedly as he grabbed Dr. Light and teleported away. Leaving his scarf behind. "No!"

Roll tan outside and saw me holding Proto Man's scarf. "Rock, what happened?"

"Blues kidnapped Dr. Light!"

"Why would he do that?"

I rushed inside and went on to the video phone, calling Dr. Cossack. "Why, hello Thomas. How are you. Rock? Where's Thomas?"

"He's been kidnapped!"

"What, by who?"


Within a few minutes Dr. Cossack had teleported to Light Labs and contacted his friends. "Wait, Blues doesn't hate Thomas enough to kidnap him. He's still Thomas's son," Dr. Dante said.

"We can't eliminate, Wily from this situation. He is still at large after his last scheme," Dr. Lalinde brought up. "He could have recoded him, like he did to so many Robot Masters before."

"True, but I fear we do not have time to find Wily. Whatever Blues kidnapped Thomas for, it may be too late."

"Your right, Mikhail. We don't know what Blues is planning. Noele, you can send Vesper Woman out to look, right?"

"Yes, but I think we should still watch out for-"

"Attention, people of Mega City. I have taken, the Father of Current Robotics, Dr. Thomas Light hostage. As well as sending my army of Eight Robot Masters to conquer the city. They won't attack unless Mega Man does nothing to stop me. Find my Robot Masters and you will get the coordinates to my Proto Castle. Farewell."

There was a map on the screen showcasing his Army's locations. "Dr. Cossack, Kalinka told me that you were working on a little robotic bird?"

"Why yes, but he still needs a few finishing components."

"Okay, send him in once he's finished, I'll fight the Robot Masters."

"Wait. I can upgrade you Mega Buster for you, give it more of a kick."

I nodded. "Let's do this."

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