XV. Proto Castle IV

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As I continued to shoot multiple pillars that caused the building to steadily fall down and avoided spikes. I noticed that this seems really easy to get through. Makes me worry about how difficult it'll be to fight Proto Man. Blues, my older brother, this could be our final fight. Only one way to tell just which one of us will lose.

As I reached the door Beat and Rush growled. "Blues. We can still stop this fighting! It's. Ahhh!" I screamed as he shot me. Knocking me down onto my back.

"Poor misguided Mega Man. There's no saving you." He walked over to me and gripped my neck. Lifting his blaster to my head. "This whole adventure I sent you on was a wild goose chase. I win, you lose, Mega."

Wait, my name isn't Mega. Why would he? "Argh!" "Proto" Man screamed.

When I opened my eyes, his arm was shot clear off. "Rock! He's distracted take this!"

I caught the special energy tank that the real Blues threw at me. "Good to see the real you, Blues!"

"I told you the name is ..."

"Well, I don't care right now. Want to take this guy down together?"

"No. You go on ahead. I'll take care of this fake."


"Heh! That coward runs away for a dying-"

"Rock won't quit this fight until he's unable to. You mock him, you have to answer to me, faker."

"Heh heh ha hahaha! Pathetic fool. Your nothing but a reject. A failed prototype of us superior Robot Masters."

"I've had a lot of time to reflect since I helped free Kalinka Cossack. I'm not a failed experiment like Wily told me. I'm not just a prototype. I chose the name Proto Man in honor of being the first of my kind. I might be broken but I am still strong. Or would you like it if I gave you a hand?"

That last line might have aggravated him a bit because he came charging straight towards me. Nothing I couldn't handle though. He tried to punch me in the chest but I blocked it with shield. He kept rapidly punching my shield until it flung from my hand. I dodged the next punch but he kicked my legs out from under me. I charged my buster and waited for an opening. "What no snippy remarks about how much tougher you are than me?"

"I am tougher!" He barked at the top of his "lungs".

"That's odd. Then why did your arm get blasted off when I shot you earlier? I didn't even charge my buster."

He tried to charge at me again this time activating some sort of shield. I waited for the shield to grant an opening and took my shot. It blasted a whole right through his chest. "Guess I'm not tough-"

With those final words he fell down. His disguise flickered away revealing the red dome-headed robot underneath.

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