XVII. Wily Castle II

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As I entered the doorway I saw my next obstacle. A Circring Q9, a giant robotic head blocked by an plastic orb surounding it. The only opening I could see were the two holes on the sides with a hinged access panel blocking it. "Welcome Mega Man! This is the Circring Q9, but I'm sure you knew that already."

"So you modified a farming tool? Why can't you just give up Wily?"

He stopped talking as the Q9 started moving around. It started to move in a straight line while shooting giant orbs from it's forehead. I dodged the orbs long enough to open it's sides fore to shoot it's head. Damaging very slightly. I figured a different weapon could work and since it was such a high angle I switched to Gyro Attack.

It seemed to slow the machine down just enough for me to get a good hit in with another Gyro Attack. The more I shot at the machine, the slower it moved until finally it stopped. I was wary to trust it, when it sprung back to life, dragging me along with it as it moved around. It's like a twisted Merry-go-round that goes in every direction. If I could throw up I would.

The Circring Q9 finally slowed to a stop, stuttering while doing so. I jumped off and looked behind me as it fell apart. I placed my hand on it and sighed. How long will this fight last. Why does Wily always have to cause harm. I had no time to continue thinking as Dr. Wily spoke through the speaker.

"It seems that you defeated another of my machines Mega Man."

"Your machines? You stole them from numerous people, Wily!"

"To each their own Mega Man. Just wait till you see what's next!"

As he said that the door on the opposite side of the room opened up. I hesitated, isn't this usually where he has me go up against all the other Robot Masters I've fought up to this point?

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