XII. Proto Castle I

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So, this is Proto Man's castle. Why does it look like a rocket ship? I mean I see Blues' visor in it's architecture but it looks like it could take off to space at any moment. I need to get inside before it gets to dark to see out here. Why are the so many pitfalls?

And there's those freaking sumatrans, (they're based off of the sumatrans tiger) and their jumping all over the place and almost knocked me over the edge. Luckily I made it inside facing cannons and more robots along the way. My only question is why would Blues do this? It makes no sense. I thought he was at peace with himself and everything. Something smells fishy here.

I walked through the corridors of this entryway I see more robots trying to kill me and one robot painting something on the wall. I kept moving forward ignoring the strange little robot and making my way to Proto Man. When I reached the final room, which was blocked by a shitter door, I immediately readied my weapon. As soon as I did a green robot with tank treads for legs came down from the ceiling.

"Who are you?"

It didn't reply and just shot at me. I dodged and switched to Water Wave since it had treads. I could knock it upside down when I attcak it. I used Water Wave and while it did hit him, it only slowed him down. I slid away from the robot and used Water Wave again this time it launched him of the ground with his arms flailing around.

When it landed it's domed head cracked open exposing the circuitry on it's head to the air. I remembered that Doctor Cossack had finished his robotic bird and I called Beat in. Without me saying anything Beat immediately went for the Robot's exposed "brain" and pecked it apart.

"G-good job Beat." I'm somewhat afraid of this bird. Rush teleported in with some healing items. I grabbed what I needed. "Rush, why did Dr. Cossack send you instead of Eddie? I guess you can help a bit more than him at the moment. C'mon you two! Let's go find Blues."

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