XVIII. Wily Castle III

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While I was hesitant to walk through the door, I relented and moved onwards. The room was empty no telepod, no capsules containing Robot Masters. Nothing. It was barren, the only noticable thing was a giant red x painted on the floor. If Wily thinks I'm stupid enough to stand on that he should know better at this point. I used the charge kick to get to the other side, as I got there Dr. Wily's latest machine dropped to the floor.

"Well well well Mega Man! Meet the Wily Press! With this I'll squash you once and for all!"

I mimicked a yawning motion. "Really? I just easily slid under it a second ago. Do you really think it'll crush me?"

"Little brat! How dare you mock me!"

He tried to squash me again but I slid underneath it again and shot him with a charge shot. I called beat out and Beat well charged straight for him. "Ha. Your pet bird won't save you here Mega Man."

He's right, Beat can't even get in the room. How am I going to stop him? I continued to charge my buster and wait for an opening to appear. He came crashing down and I was barely able to dodge it. I looked at my weapons Star Crash might be able to help, but the weak point is too small to hit accurately. A charged buster shot should work if I can aim right. I kept sliding to avoid the Wily Press.

It didn't take much longer to destroy the Wily Press, much to Wily's anger. He slammed his fists down onto his console, shouting words I cannot even begin to describe. "Darn it! Why can't I ever be rid of you! It's the same thing over and over again!"

"We don't have to do this Wily! We can work through this together, peacefully. There's no need to-"

"You don't get it! You'll never will, not will Light! Just a non-stop cycle of uprising and defeat. It'll never end! Oh well onto my backup machine! The true Wily Machine Number 5."

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