V. Intermission

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"You won't get away with this, Albert."

I chuckled. "Of course, I won't Thomas. Mega Man will defeat my Dark Man. Claim my Robot Masters and Proto Man will probably release you. I've realized that long ago."

"Then why do this, Albert!"

I muttered, "At this point, to make sure the universe doesn't throw a cow."

I chuckled again, "Because it's fun. It's fun putting your sons against my Robot Masters. It's entertaining watching you lose hope only to regain it. It's all a game at this point!"

I threw my mug at the wall, smashing it. I sighed and placed my hand on my face. "Or maybe I'm just going crazy. Portraying the textbook definition of insanity. Trying again and again, praying to change the outcome."

Thomas stood shocked in his cell. I also need your perfect dream to become realized, for you to find that X factor. I shuttered. "Albert, stop this now! We can help you! This isn't how things should have gone. If only you hadn't left the University all those years ago. Maybe things would be different."

I left the room, and Thomas and went to my lab. I don't know why but, I started crying. I looked at my monitors and saw three Robot Masters down. That's to be expected. "Everything all right, Dr. Wily?"

"Gah! Mr. X, you scared me. Yes everything's fine. Just reflecting on past events."

"Heh. The past is the past, Doctor. You need to look towards the future. Is everything going according to plan?"

"Why yes. Mega Man might be defeating my robots at a faster pace than anticipated but my Dark Man will stop him."

"Good. Oh, and Doctor."


"I've got my eye on you. Understood?"

"Y-yes, Mr. X. I understand."

Could he possibly know my next plan? That's can't be true, can it?

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